34th Battalion

1914 – 1918

The 34th Battalion was authorized in November, 1914 and left for Britain in October, 1915. The unit provided reinforcements in the field until November 27, 1916, when it was reorganized into the 34th Boys’ Battalion, CEF.

The battalion disbanded in July, 1917, and was perpetuated by the Royal Highland Fusiliers of Canada.

“34th Battalion, CEF”. Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/34th_Battalion,_CEF, accessed on June 19, 2020.

“34th Battalion, CEF Band”. Picture St. Marys, by St. Marys Public Library and the St. Marys Museum, http://images.ourontario.ca/stmarys/3400730/data, accessed on June 19, 2020.