Virtual War Memorial
1855 - present
Bruce County Virtual War Memorial has been created to recognize and keep alive the memory of the achievements and sacrifices of the citizens of Bruce County who have died in the defence of freedom. Over the course of many years individuals have given their lives, making the ultimate sacrifice in order for us to live as we do today.
The Following People Gave Thier Lives In Service to their Country
Abbott, Henry
Ahkewenzie / Ahkiwenzie / Akiwenzie, Leslie
Akiwenzie, Charles
Allan, William ‘Arthur’
Anderson, George McCrimmon
Armstrong, Curwood Neville
Atkinson, Ralph Edgerton
Babcock, Thomas
Baker, Arthur John
Balderston, ‘Jack’ John Percival Ernest
Barber, William Walter
Beaton, Percy Forrest
Bell, Clifford William
Bennett, William
Berry, Oliver
Bevis, Roy
Black, Ralph George
Blackwood, Samuel David
Blatchford, Ewart Arthur
Boltz, Wilbert Georg
Boyle, Frank Stewart
Brick, Alexander Alphonse
Brown, Archibald Cormack
Bruegeman, Raymond Glen
Buckingham, Wilmer Roy
Burbee, Delbert Gerald
Caldwell, William Henry
Camp, George William
Campbell, Duncan Cameron
Campbell, Norman Finley
Carson, Frederick James
Cartwright, Joseph
Chambers, James Morris
Christie, Oliver
Clarke, George Edward
Clements, Roy Stewart
Collins, Harold Francis
Connolly, Matthew George
Couper, John
Craig, William
Crawford, Vincent
Culbert, Lorne Clifford
Cunningham, James
Curry, Johnston
Davis, Reginald William
Desmond, Daniel Joseph
Donaldson, John
Dudgeon, William Lloyd
Durnin, Graham William
Eby, Garfield
Eldridge, Herbert William
Elliott, Joseph Alexander
English, Bertie George
Evans, Robert "Bob"
Farley, Edward
Feirn, Thomas
Ferrell, Samuel Milton
Finlayson, Roderick Alexander
Fitzgerald, Isaac Levi
Foster, William Earl
Fraser, Harold
Gammie, Gordon A.
Garland, Gordon Crawford
Gerber, Harley Earl Owen
Giles, John George "Jack"
Goldsmith, Alwyn Garnet
Gossel, Edwin
Graff, Lorne Francis
Grant, Charles Arnold
Green, Alvin Albert
Gregg, John Alexander
Guenther, Robert Adam
Habbick, William
Hall, Francis James ‘Frank’
Hammond, William Wyatt
Harker, Arleigh Henry "Bobby"
Harrison, Harold Bert
Hawkes, Frederick George
Henderson, Grant Stuart
Hepburn, Herbert
Hesch, Clifford Francis
Hewitt, Robert Ellwood
Hill, Archibald Joseph
Hislop (Hyslop), Wilberforce
Hogue, David Edward
Hopkins, Carl Stacey
Howe, Nelson Oral
Huffman, John Harvey
Hunter, Roy Cameron
Hyslop, Watson Joseph
Jack, Henry ("Harry")
Jarvis, Herbert Joseph
Jewitt, Charles Lewis
Johnson, Alexander Milton
Johnson / Johnston, Thomas Percy
Jones, Morris Claude
Kain, Rev. Roy Joseph
Keeshig, Bernard Reuben (Barney)
Kelly, Patrick Thomas
Kent, William Cornelius ("Billy")
Kieffer, Simon P.
Kincaid, John ("Jack")
King, William Percy
Knapp, Albert
Knight, George
Kutz, Edward Louis
Laidlaw, Harry
Lancaster, John Berkley
Lavalley, Frank
Leeder, Herbert Nicholas
Lembke, Carl William
Lennox, Victor John
Lindsay, William Simpson
Litt, Olive Lillian
Loney, Clarence Roy
Lorenz, Grant Albert
Lougheed, Wilson
Lyness, Llewyllan Wilbert
MacDonald, Colin Murray
MacDonald, Mado Daniel
MacGregor, Howard Gladstone
MacKenzie, John ‘Grant’
MacLean, John Angus
Magoffin, James "Ivan"
Marsh, Carl Finney
Mawhinney/Mewhinney, Robert
McArthur, Kenneth Clayton
McCaslin, William Henry
McCorry, Edward George
McDonald, Robert Edward
McEachern, Rubing
McGaw, Dorn MacQuarrie
McGillivray, Alexander
McGregor, Russell Bruce
McIntyre, Donald (Dan)
McKelvie, Gordon Cruickshank
McKinnon, James
McLay, John "Milton"
McLeish, Alexander Neil
McLeod, Alexander S.
McLeod, John Earl
McLeod / MacLeod, John Archibald ("Jack")
McNab, Michael John
McNeil, Clifton "Fuzz" Evans
McPhail, Daniel
McPhail, John
McQuillin, George Andrew
Melhuish, Alan George James
Meyer (Meyers), Albert (Bert) Henry
Miller, Douglas John
Minion, Harvey Lorn
Monkman, Thomas Norman
Moore, Frederick Charles
Moran, Ted James
Moulton, Earl Gardner
Mowbray, Angus MacKenzie "Kenny"
Mundle, Robert
Musgrove, George Henry
Nawash, David
Nichol, Boyd McGregor
Nimmo, Lester Graham
Nunn, Joseph
Orr, Richard Herbert
Ottewell, Walter Elliott
Parker, Horace
Partridge, George Henry
Pearce, Harold Marshall
Periard, Aime Pascal
Plant / Plaunte, Reuben
Pollock, Robert
Porter, Edwin D.
Pound, John Alfred
Pringle, George Alfred
Rabovsky, Moses
Read, Alfred
Reichenbach, Alexander George
Reid, Earl William
Richards, Percy John Lester
Robertson, E.
Roche, Charles W.
Rolston, John
Rourke, Clyde Burton
Ruhl, William Alfred
Russell, Wendell Ramsay
Scanlan, William Maunsell
Schell, Lawrence Robert
Schwalm, Stanley William
Scott, Doris Helen
Seabrook, Harold Stanley
Shawan (Shawanageesie), Joseph
Shoebottom aka Shoebotham, Thomas Clifford aka Stanley Robert aka Clifford Parker
Sinclair, Thomas Menzie
Smith, Angus
Somerville, Norman Frederick
Stahls, Clarence
Stevenson, George ("Geordie")
Stewart, John Malcolm
Stoddart, Lorne Gordon
Sutcliffe, Thomas Raymond
Taylor, Alexander
test, Abc
Thomson, Samuel Leslie
Tomlinson, Mansell Matthew
Touzel, Sydney Alfred
Tranter, William Victor
Tuckwood, Matthew Albert
Vary, Frederick Leroy
Wade, Harold
Warbrook, Thomas
Watson, John Robert
Weeden, Gordon Herbert
Whitbread, Henry John
Whitham, A.T.
Willis, Thomas George
Wilson, Hugh Harold St. Clair
Winch, Wilmer James
Wood , William Edgar
Woods, Thomas Alexander
Wren, Charles
Yorke, George John
Ahkewenzie / Ahkiwenzie / Akiwenzie, Leslie
Akiwenzie, Charles
Allan, William ‘Arthur’
Anderson, George McCrimmon
Armstrong, Curwood Neville
Atkinson, Ralph Edgerton
Babcock, Thomas
Baker, Arthur John
Balderston, ‘Jack’ John Percival Ernest
Barber, William Walter
Beaton, Percy Forrest
Bell, Clifford William
Bennett, William
Berry, Oliver
Bevis, Roy
Black, Ralph George
Blackwood, Samuel David
Blatchford, Ewart Arthur
Boltz, Wilbert Georg
Boyle, Frank Stewart
Brick, Alexander Alphonse
Brown, Archibald Cormack
Bruegeman, Raymond Glen
Buckingham, Wilmer Roy
Burbee, Delbert Gerald
Caldwell, William Henry
Camp, George William
Campbell, Duncan Cameron
Campbell, Norman Finley
Carson, Frederick James
Cartwright, Joseph
Chambers, James Morris
Christie, Oliver
Clarke, George Edward
Clements, Roy Stewart
Collins, Harold Francis
Connolly, Matthew George
Couper, John
Craig, William
Crawford, Vincent
Culbert, Lorne Clifford
Cunningham, James
Curry, Johnston
Davis, Reginald William
Desmond, Daniel Joseph
Donaldson, John
Dudgeon, William Lloyd
Durnin, Graham William
Eby, Garfield
Eldridge, Herbert William
Elliott, Joseph Alexander
English, Bertie George
Evans, Robert "Bob"
Farley, Edward
Feirn, Thomas
Ferrell, Samuel Milton
Finlayson, Roderick Alexander
Fitzgerald, Isaac Levi
Foster, William Earl
Fraser, Harold
Gammie, Gordon A.
Garland, Gordon Crawford
Gerber, Harley Earl Owen
Giles, John George "Jack"
Goldsmith, Alwyn Garnet
Gossel, Edwin
Graff, Lorne Francis
Grant, Charles Arnold
Green, Alvin Albert
Gregg, John Alexander
Guenther, Robert Adam
Habbick, William
Hall, Francis James ‘Frank’
Hammond, William Wyatt
Harker, Arleigh Henry "Bobby"
Harrison, Harold Bert
Hawkes, Frederick George
Henderson, Grant Stuart
Hepburn, Herbert
Hesch, Clifford Francis
Hewitt, Robert Ellwood
Hill, Archibald Joseph
Hislop (Hyslop), Wilberforce
Hogue, David Edward
Hopkins, Carl Stacey
Howe, Nelson Oral
Huffman, John Harvey
Hunter, Roy Cameron
Hyslop, Watson Joseph
Jack, Henry ("Harry")
Jarvis, Herbert Joseph
Jewitt, Charles Lewis
Johnson, Alexander Milton
Johnson / Johnston, Thomas Percy
Jones, Morris Claude
Kain, Rev. Roy Joseph
Keeshig, Bernard Reuben (Barney)
Kelly, Patrick Thomas
Kent, William Cornelius ("Billy")
Kieffer, Simon P.
Kincaid, John ("Jack")
King, William Percy
Knapp, Albert
Knight, George
Kutz, Edward Louis
Laidlaw, Harry
Lancaster, John Berkley
Lavalley, Frank
Leeder, Herbert Nicholas
Lembke, Carl William
Lennox, Victor John
Lindsay, William Simpson
Litt, Olive Lillian
Loney, Clarence Roy
Lorenz, Grant Albert
Lougheed, Wilson
Lyness, Llewyllan Wilbert
MacDonald, Colin Murray
MacDonald, Mado Daniel
MacGregor, Howard Gladstone
MacKenzie, John ‘Grant’
MacLean, John Angus
Magoffin, James "Ivan"
Marsh, Carl Finney
Mawhinney/Mewhinney, Robert
McArthur, Kenneth Clayton
McCaslin, William Henry
McCorry, Edward George
McDonald, Robert Edward
McEachern, Rubing
McGaw, Dorn MacQuarrie
McGillivray, Alexander
McGregor, Russell Bruce
McIntyre, Donald (Dan)
McKelvie, Gordon Cruickshank
McKinnon, James
McLay, John "Milton"
McLeish, Alexander Neil
McLeod, Alexander S.
McLeod, John Earl
McLeod / MacLeod, John Archibald ("Jack")
McNab, Michael John
McNeil, Clifton "Fuzz" Evans
McPhail, Daniel
McPhail, John
McQuillin, George Andrew
Melhuish, Alan George James
Meyer (Meyers), Albert (Bert) Henry
Miller, Douglas John
Minion, Harvey Lorn
Monkman, Thomas Norman
Moore, Frederick Charles
Moran, Ted James
Moulton, Earl Gardner
Mowbray, Angus MacKenzie "Kenny"
Mundle, Robert
Musgrove, George Henry
Nawash, David
Nichol, Boyd McGregor
Nimmo, Lester Graham
Nunn, Joseph
Orr, Richard Herbert
Ottewell, Walter Elliott
Parker, Horace
Partridge, George Henry
Pearce, Harold Marshall
Periard, Aime Pascal
Plant / Plaunte, Reuben
Pollock, Robert
Porter, Edwin D.
Pound, John Alfred
Pringle, George Alfred
Rabovsky, Moses
Read, Alfred
Reichenbach, Alexander George
Reid, Earl William
Richards, Percy John Lester
Robertson, E.
Roche, Charles W.
Rolston, John
Rourke, Clyde Burton
Ruhl, William Alfred
Russell, Wendell Ramsay
Scanlan, William Maunsell
Schell, Lawrence Robert
Schwalm, Stanley William
Scott, Doris Helen
Seabrook, Harold Stanley
Shawan (Shawanageesie), Joseph
Shoebottom aka Shoebotham, Thomas Clifford aka Stanley Robert aka Clifford Parker
Sinclair, Thomas Menzie
Smith, Angus
Somerville, Norman Frederick
Stahls, Clarence
Stevenson, George ("Geordie")
Stewart, John Malcolm
Stoddart, Lorne Gordon
Sutcliffe, Thomas Raymond
Taylor, Alexander
test, Abc
Thomson, Samuel Leslie
Tomlinson, Mansell Matthew
Touzel, Sydney Alfred
Tranter, William Victor
Tuckwood, Matthew Albert
Vary, Frederick Leroy
Wade, Harold
Warbrook, Thomas
Watson, John Robert
Weeden, Gordon Herbert
Whitbread, Henry John
Whitham, A.T.
Willis, Thomas George
Wilson, Hugh Harold St. Clair
Winch, Wilmer James
Wood , William Edgar
Woods, Thomas Alexander
Wren, Charles
Yorke, George John
Acret, Wilfred Maitland
Ahmed, Albert Edward
Akiwenzie, Peter
Allen, Frederick Thomas
Anstead, William Austin
Ashkewe, Benjamin Roy
Atkinson, Roy Campbell
Bain, Donald James
Baker, George Wesley
Baldwin, Herbert
Barker, Joseph Henry
Beck, Arthur Joseph
Bell, Norval Delbert
Bentley, George Edward
Best, Joseph
Binkley, Norman
Blackburn, John Robert
Blahut, Henry Andrew
Blythe, George James
Bowers, William Allan
Brady, Herbert David
Bridge, Harold Percy
Brown, Duncan
Bryce, Wilfred Austin
Buckley, John Albert
Burden, Edward
Cameron, Donald Ewen
Campbell, Alexander Collin
Campbell, Duncan Hugh
Campbell, Roy Oswald
Carson, William Henry ‘Harry’
Casemore, William Roy
Chegahno, Solomon Jackson
Clark, Donald Frederick
Clarke, Lionel Esmonde
Clifton, James Jasper
Collins, Maurice Willis
Cooney, Hugh Alfred
Courtnell, Frederick
Crawford, David Russell
Crerar, James Gardiner
Cunningham, Chester Archie
Cunningham, William
Daniel, James Orwell
Davison, Samuel Melville ‘Mel’
Dickison, Albert William
Dornan, William Keith
Dunlop, James Ernest
Eagles, Clarence Gordon
Eckert, A.E.
Elliott, Archibald Fergus Brown
Elliott, Joseph Frank
Ernewein, Norman Alvin
Evers, Milton Edward
Farley, George Edwin
Fennell, Floyd White
Ferris, Johnston Sherman
Finn, Herbert Stewart
Flood, Donald George
Foster, William Joseph
Fraser, William L.
Garbutt, Wellington Starr
Gateman, William Martin
Germon, Thomas Alexander
Given, James Allen
Gonder, Alexander Cameron
Gowanlock, Irvan R.
Graham, Daniel
Grant, James Albert
Greer, Christo(pher) Wilbur
Greig, Donald Duane
Gunnis, Victor Nelson
Habick, Andrew
Hamilton, John L.
Hanley, William Patrick
Harman, Stanley Milton
Harrison, Orval Thomas
Hawkins, Frederick Clayton
Henry, Alexander Bruce
Hepner, Gordon George
Hetherington, David Hazelfield
Hibben, Robert Edward
Hill, Harkey Merlin
Hodgins, William Thomas
Holler, Herman
Hopkins, Ernest Curtis
Howes, David Edwin
Hughes, George Alexander
Hurford, Robert Charles
Iles, Harold Edward
Jackson, Ray Donald
Jay, Douglas Pierce / Percy
Jewitt, William Albert
Johnson, Charles Hedley
Johnston, Archie Duncan
Jones, Walter Stanley
Kaufman, Norman Emerson
Keeshig, Randolph Peter
Kennedy, Golden "Goldie" Ernest
Kewenzie / Akiwenzie / Ahkewenzie, Isaac
Kiely, Alexander Francis
Kincaid, Samuel Brodie
Kirk, Lloyd
Knechtel, Arthur
Knox, Fred
La Pointe, Alfred Joseph
Laidlaw, William John Scott
Lang, Ronald Bell
Lavis, Arthur Leonard
Leeson, Roy Cleveland
Lemcke, Earl William
Leonard, George Thomas
Lines, Walter John Edward
Lobsinger, Edward
Long, Clarence Roy
Lothian, James
Loveridge, Denis Llewellyn
MacArthur, Lorne McFadgen
MacDonald, Donald Wallace
MacDonald, Norman Stewart
Machesney, Gerald Rowland
MacKenzie, Robert Cullen
MacLean / McLean, Dugald Black
Mahoney, Henry Roscoe
Marshall, Harold
McAfee, John
McCallum, John Archibald
McConnell, William John
McCulloch, Wallace
McDonald, William Simon
McFadyen, Martin Charles
McGeagh, Thomas Henry
McGillivray, Donald Duncan
McGuire, Gordon "Mickey"
McKague, James McLean
McKerracher, Duncan George
McKinnon, John Alexander
McLean, George
McLennan, Howard Robert
McLeod, Alfred Joseph
McLeod, John Joseph
McMaster, William Watson
McNall, Robert John
McNeil, Neil Ambrose
McPhail, Daniel Harold / Harold Daniel
McPhail, Paul Alexander
McRae, William Hugh Roy
Merriam, Chester McLean
Middlebro, William George
Miller, Fritz
Mitchell, Clarence Oliver
Montgomery, Robert James
Moore, James Russell "Russ"
Morrison, Melvin Clarence
Moulton, Morris Alexander
Muir, Albert Edward
Mundle, William
Myers, William John
Nawash, Stafford David
Nichol, Donald Lee
Noble, Ernest Ivan Albern
O'Brien, John Joseph
Ostic, William Clark
O”Bright, Vernon Patrick
Parkinson, Gordon Charles
Paterson, James Allan
Pedoniquott, Isadore
Philp, Robert Gardhum
Poge, Norval Edward
Pooley, Ernest George
Porter, Hugh Edwin Dick
Powell, Gordon Arthur
Proud, Elmer Reginald
Racher, Norman Albert
Reany, Richard Roy
Reichenbach, Ethelred "Effie"
Reinhart, Irvin "Emery"
Riggin, Henry
Robertson, Harry Malcolm
Rock, George McLeod
Rolston, Wilfred Burton
Rowe, John MacIntosh
Russell, Adam Leith
Rutherford, Cecil "Harland"
Scarrow, Robert Harry
Schmidt, Andrew Leander
Scobie, David
Scott, G.E.
Shannon, Percival (Percy) Roy
Shawon / Shawan, Joseph
Shore, John Arthur Murton
Sinclair, William Bentley
Smith, Thomas
Sparling, Clifford Roy
Steeds, William Norman
Stewart, Burton
Stockall, James Douglas
Street, Harry Ambrose Lediard
Switzer, George Edward
Taylor, Enoch William
Thomas, Gilbert Austin
Tibb, Craig Campbell
Tomlinson, Matthew George
Towle, Robert Sidney
Trout, Robert Burns
Tweedy, Thomas Osborne
Vaupel, Frederick Leroy
Wain, George Elmer
Ward, Ralph
Weaver, Earl Edward
Weir, John
White, Robert
Whitham, Bert Edward
Willoughby, William Thomas
Wilson, Ralph Douglas
Winters, Charles Hugh
Woodbridge, Samuel Baldwin
Woolrich, G.
Wright, Clark
Young, John Arnold
Ahmed, Albert Edward
Akiwenzie, Peter
Allen, Frederick Thomas
Anstead, William Austin
Ashkewe, Benjamin Roy
Atkinson, Roy Campbell
Bain, Donald James
Baker, George Wesley
Baldwin, Herbert
Barker, Joseph Henry
Beck, Arthur Joseph
Bell, Norval Delbert
Bentley, George Edward
Best, Joseph
Binkley, Norman
Blackburn, John Robert
Blahut, Henry Andrew
Blythe, George James
Bowers, William Allan
Brady, Herbert David
Bridge, Harold Percy
Brown, Duncan
Bryce, Wilfred Austin
Buckley, John Albert
Burden, Edward
Cameron, Donald Ewen
Campbell, Alexander Collin
Campbell, Duncan Hugh
Campbell, Roy Oswald
Carson, William Henry ‘Harry’
Casemore, William Roy
Chegahno, Solomon Jackson
Clark, Donald Frederick
Clarke, Lionel Esmonde
Clifton, James Jasper
Collins, Maurice Willis
Cooney, Hugh Alfred
Courtnell, Frederick
Crawford, David Russell
Crerar, James Gardiner
Cunningham, Chester Archie
Cunningham, William
Daniel, James Orwell
Davison, Samuel Melville ‘Mel’
Dickison, Albert William
Dornan, William Keith
Dunlop, James Ernest
Eagles, Clarence Gordon
Eckert, A.E.
Elliott, Archibald Fergus Brown
Elliott, Joseph Frank
Ernewein, Norman Alvin
Evers, Milton Edward
Farley, George Edwin
Fennell, Floyd White
Ferris, Johnston Sherman
Finn, Herbert Stewart
Flood, Donald George
Foster, William Joseph
Fraser, William L.
Garbutt, Wellington Starr
Gateman, William Martin
Germon, Thomas Alexander
Given, James Allen
Gonder, Alexander Cameron
Gowanlock, Irvan R.
Graham, Daniel
Grant, James Albert
Greer, Christo(pher) Wilbur
Greig, Donald Duane
Gunnis, Victor Nelson
Habick, Andrew
Hamilton, John L.
Hanley, William Patrick
Harman, Stanley Milton
Harrison, Orval Thomas
Hawkins, Frederick Clayton
Henry, Alexander Bruce
Hepner, Gordon George
Hetherington, David Hazelfield
Hibben, Robert Edward
Hill, Harkey Merlin
Hodgins, William Thomas
Holler, Herman
Hopkins, Ernest Curtis
Howes, David Edwin
Hughes, George Alexander
Hurford, Robert Charles
Iles, Harold Edward
Jackson, Ray Donald
Jay, Douglas Pierce / Percy
Jewitt, William Albert
Johnson, Charles Hedley
Johnston, Archie Duncan
Jones, Walter Stanley
Kaufman, Norman Emerson
Keeshig, Randolph Peter
Kennedy, Golden "Goldie" Ernest
Kewenzie / Akiwenzie / Ahkewenzie, Isaac
Kiely, Alexander Francis
Kincaid, Samuel Brodie
Kirk, Lloyd
Knechtel, Arthur
Knox, Fred
La Pointe, Alfred Joseph
Laidlaw, William John Scott
Lang, Ronald Bell
Lavis, Arthur Leonard
Leeson, Roy Cleveland
Lemcke, Earl William
Leonard, George Thomas
Lines, Walter John Edward
Lobsinger, Edward
Long, Clarence Roy
Lothian, James
Loveridge, Denis Llewellyn
MacArthur, Lorne McFadgen
MacDonald, Donald Wallace
MacDonald, Norman Stewart
Machesney, Gerald Rowland
MacKenzie, Robert Cullen
MacLean / McLean, Dugald Black
Mahoney, Henry Roscoe
Marshall, Harold
McAfee, John
McCallum, John Archibald
McConnell, William John
McCulloch, Wallace
McDonald, William Simon
McFadyen, Martin Charles
McGeagh, Thomas Henry
McGillivray, Donald Duncan
McGuire, Gordon "Mickey"
McKague, James McLean
McKerracher, Duncan George
McKinnon, John Alexander
McLean, George
McLennan, Howard Robert
McLeod, Alfred Joseph
McLeod, John Joseph
McMaster, William Watson
McNall, Robert John
McNeil, Neil Ambrose
McPhail, Daniel Harold / Harold Daniel
McPhail, Paul Alexander
McRae, William Hugh Roy
Merriam, Chester McLean
Middlebro, William George
Miller, Fritz
Mitchell, Clarence Oliver
Montgomery, Robert James
Moore, James Russell "Russ"
Morrison, Melvin Clarence
Moulton, Morris Alexander
Muir, Albert Edward
Mundle, William
Myers, William John
Nawash, Stafford David
Nichol, Donald Lee
Noble, Ernest Ivan Albern
O'Brien, John Joseph
Ostic, William Clark
O”Bright, Vernon Patrick
Parkinson, Gordon Charles
Paterson, James Allan
Pedoniquott, Isadore
Philp, Robert Gardhum
Poge, Norval Edward
Pooley, Ernest George
Porter, Hugh Edwin Dick
Powell, Gordon Arthur
Proud, Elmer Reginald
Racher, Norman Albert
Reany, Richard Roy
Reichenbach, Ethelred "Effie"
Reinhart, Irvin "Emery"
Riggin, Henry
Robertson, Harry Malcolm
Rock, George McLeod
Rolston, Wilfred Burton
Rowe, John MacIntosh
Russell, Adam Leith
Rutherford, Cecil "Harland"
Scarrow, Robert Harry
Schmidt, Andrew Leander
Scobie, David
Scott, G.E.
Shannon, Percival (Percy) Roy
Shawon / Shawan, Joseph
Shore, John Arthur Murton
Sinclair, William Bentley
Smith, Thomas
Sparling, Clifford Roy
Steeds, William Norman
Stewart, Burton
Stockall, James Douglas
Street, Harry Ambrose Lediard
Switzer, George Edward
Taylor, Enoch William
Thomas, Gilbert Austin
Tibb, Craig Campbell
Tomlinson, Matthew George
Towle, Robert Sidney
Trout, Robert Burns
Tweedy, Thomas Osborne
Vaupel, Frederick Leroy
Wain, George Elmer
Ward, Ralph
Weaver, Earl Edward
Weir, John
White, Robert
Whitham, Bert Edward
Willoughby, William Thomas
Wilson, Ralph Douglas
Winters, Charles Hugh
Woodbridge, Samuel Baldwin
Woolrich, G.
Wright, Clark
Young, John Arnold
Adair, Leslie James
Aitchinson, Cleveland
Alexander, John Malcolm
Ammann, Joseph Carl
Archer, Thomas
Ashkewe, Nelson
Atwood, John Wesley
Bain, Scott Garfield
Baker, James Daniel
Ballachey, Frederic Allen
Barnard, David Russell
Becker, John Herman
Belleau, Gerald Thomas
Beresford, Laird Redford
Bettridge, Oliver Augustus
Bishop, Allan W.
Blackman, Bertram
Blake, Andrew W.
Blythe, John Henry
Bowman, Basil
Brain, George
Britton, Albert Edward
Brubaker, Roscoe Donald Grover
Buckingham, Clifford
Buhlman, Albert Joseph
Bye, John Henry ‘Jack’
Cameron, George
Campbell, Duncan "Earl"
Campbell, Henry Archibald
Campbell, Stewart Laughlan
Carson, William James
Caskanette, John Albert Andrew
Chisholm, Harry
Clark, George Melvin
Clarke, William Keith
Clitheroe, Walter
Colquhoun, Ray Ormond
Cooper, Francis Davidson
Cox, Albert William
Crawford, James Tyson
Crosier (Crozier), Robert "John"
Cunningham, Ernest Hall
Currie, Daniel R.
Davey, William Harold
Daws, Francis Edward
Dobson, William Ambrose
Douglas, John Miller
Dunn, Harold Francis
Eaton, George Andrew
Edwards, Fred
Elliott, Daniel Alexander
Elliott, Robert James
Ernst, Lloyd Sylvester
Fair, John Herbert
Farquharson, Norman William
Fenton, A.J. (Admiral James) a.k.a. Abbie
Filsinger, Reuben George Frederick
Fisher, Edward James
Fogden, John Henry Wreford
France, Melvin Graham
Fugere, Michael William
Gardner, Harold Stanley
Geddes, John Rowand
Gibson, Sinclair
Glasser, Lloyd Charles
Gooch, Alfred William
Gowanlock, James Laidlaw
Graham, Robert Samuel
Gray, Charles
Greer, Clarence
Groves, Albert William
Haas, Gabriel
Haeberle, William Henry
Hamilton, John Leonard
Hannaford, John
Harrington, Leonard Garfield
Harron, Alvin Eldon
Hayward, Gordon Elgin
Henry, Harry
Herd, Frederick Thomas
Hettrick, Norman Gilbert
Hickling, Henry Stephen
Hill, Nelson Anslew
Hodgson, Harry
Honey, Samuel Lewis
Hopkins, William Robert
Huck, William Edward
Hughes, Harry James
Huston, William John
Irvin, Alexander
Jackson, Thomas
Jennings, Herbert
John, Earnest
Johnson, Herbert Haines
Jones, Howard Arnold
Joshua, Gilbert
Keating, Richard Harry
Keeshig, Willis
Kennedy, John Ballantyne
Kidd, John Tyrwhitt Herman
Kilborn, Arthur Rubin
King, Edward
Kirstine, Lloyd
Knechtel, Orland
Koenig, Laverne Frederick
LaFrance, Seraphine
Lamont, George Robert
Lapoint, Alfred Joseph
Lawrence, John Benjamin
Lehman, Edgar Clarence
Lemcke, Earl William
Liebeck, Kenneth William
Linge, Arthur
Locheed, Thomas
Long, Harry Melville
Loucks, James Alpheus
Lovett, Walter Ernest
MacArtney, Leonard Lorne
MacDonald, Harry "Deane"
MacDonald, W.S.
MacKenzie, Donald Alexander
MacKinnon, Neil John
MacPherson, George
Malloy, G.
Masterson, Albert Sidney "Sid"
McArthur, Alan
McCarter, Andrew Reginald
McCormack, William
McDonald, Elizabeth
McDougall, Baldwin Childerhouse
McGarity / McGarrity, Daniel Patrick
McGill, Jack "Lawrie"
McGillivray, Donald ‘Gordon’
McIntosh, Angus
McKay, William Wallace
McKillop, Donald Neil
McLaggan, William
McLean, John Angus
McLennan, John Ross
McLeod, John
McLeod, John Pickles Shaw
McMillan, George
McNally, Wallace
McNeil / McNeel, Joseph Harold
McPhail, Harold
McPherson, Albert Norman
McRorie, Peter Norman
Meyer, Arthur Martin
Millar, Burton Matthew
Miller, James
Mitchell, Elias
Moore, Ernest Edward
Moore, John William
Morton, John
Mowat, Alexander MacKenzie
Muir, George Harris
Munro, John Jamieson
Nadjiwon, Paul
Neath, John Frederick "Earl"
Nickel, Clarence John
Norman, Charles
O'Brien, Wilfred Patrick
Ostranger, Reginald
Page, Orville Stephen
Parrish, George Lewis Roberts
Patten, Bertram Bell
Pedwell, Jack (John) Aldon
Pierson, George Hugo
Pollock, Darwin Ray
Pope, Earnscliffe Errol
Potts, George Albert
Prest, William Henry "Harry"
Proud, Melville Douglas
Radbourne, Allan Bruce
Reddon, Garfield
Reid, Adam Ernest
Rennie, James
Ritchie, Peter
Robertson, John "Carlyle"
Rodgers, George Thomas
Rosevear, Stanley Wallace
Rowe, Maurice Medcalf
Russell, Alexander
Saleman, James Henry
Schaub, Frank
Schmidt, Harry Andrew
Scoffield, William Blain
Scott, Harold S.
Shannon, Philip Rodney
Shewfelt, Gilbert
Shouldice, Graham Milton
Slumskie, "William" Wilfred Douglas
Snowdon , Johnston Lawrence
Spears, Percy Howard
Steffler, Alphonse Anthony John
Stewart, Edward
Stoddart, Clarence John
Sturgeon, John Reginald (Jack)
Switzer, Milford William
Taylor, George Ross
Thomson, James
Tilley, Stewart William
Tope / Toupe, Blair
Towle, Sidney
Truax, Everett Ashbury
VanHatten, Henry
Vaupel, Raymond Ernest
Waldron, Wilbur Lloyd
Watson, Gordon Richard
Webber, William Spencer
Welch, Harry William
White, William F.
Whittmann, Herbert
Wilson, Alexander
Wilson, Thomas Ferguson
Wolfe, William
Woods, James Alfred
Worrall, Albert J.
Wright, Donald Albert
Young, Samuel Leslie ("Les")
Aitchinson, Cleveland
Alexander, John Malcolm
Ammann, Joseph Carl
Archer, Thomas
Ashkewe, Nelson
Atwood, John Wesley
Bain, Scott Garfield
Baker, James Daniel
Ballachey, Frederic Allen
Barnard, David Russell
Becker, John Herman
Belleau, Gerald Thomas
Beresford, Laird Redford
Bettridge, Oliver Augustus
Bishop, Allan W.
Blackman, Bertram
Blake, Andrew W.
Blythe, John Henry
Bowman, Basil
Brain, George
Britton, Albert Edward
Brubaker, Roscoe Donald Grover
Buckingham, Clifford
Buhlman, Albert Joseph
Bye, John Henry ‘Jack’
Cameron, George
Campbell, Duncan "Earl"
Campbell, Henry Archibald
Campbell, Stewart Laughlan
Carson, William James
Caskanette, John Albert Andrew
Chisholm, Harry
Clark, George Melvin
Clarke, William Keith
Clitheroe, Walter
Colquhoun, Ray Ormond
Cooper, Francis Davidson
Cox, Albert William
Crawford, James Tyson
Crosier (Crozier), Robert "John"
Cunningham, Ernest Hall
Currie, Daniel R.
Davey, William Harold
Daws, Francis Edward
Dobson, William Ambrose
Douglas, John Miller
Dunn, Harold Francis
Eaton, George Andrew
Edwards, Fred
Elliott, Daniel Alexander
Elliott, Robert James
Ernst, Lloyd Sylvester
Fair, John Herbert
Farquharson, Norman William
Fenton, A.J. (Admiral James) a.k.a. Abbie
Filsinger, Reuben George Frederick
Fisher, Edward James
Fogden, John Henry Wreford
France, Melvin Graham
Fugere, Michael William
Gardner, Harold Stanley
Geddes, John Rowand
Gibson, Sinclair
Glasser, Lloyd Charles
Gooch, Alfred William
Gowanlock, James Laidlaw
Graham, Robert Samuel
Gray, Charles
Greer, Clarence
Groves, Albert William
Haas, Gabriel
Haeberle, William Henry
Hamilton, John Leonard
Hannaford, John
Harrington, Leonard Garfield
Harron, Alvin Eldon
Hayward, Gordon Elgin
Henry, Harry
Herd, Frederick Thomas
Hettrick, Norman Gilbert
Hickling, Henry Stephen
Hill, Nelson Anslew
Hodgson, Harry
Honey, Samuel Lewis
Hopkins, William Robert
Huck, William Edward
Hughes, Harry James
Huston, William John
Irvin, Alexander
Jackson, Thomas
Jennings, Herbert
John, Earnest
Johnson, Herbert Haines
Jones, Howard Arnold
Joshua, Gilbert
Keating, Richard Harry
Keeshig, Willis
Kennedy, John Ballantyne
Kidd, John Tyrwhitt Herman
Kilborn, Arthur Rubin
King, Edward
Kirstine, Lloyd
Knechtel, Orland
Koenig, Laverne Frederick
LaFrance, Seraphine
Lamont, George Robert
Lapoint, Alfred Joseph
Lawrence, John Benjamin
Lehman, Edgar Clarence
Lemcke, Earl William
Liebeck, Kenneth William
Linge, Arthur
Locheed, Thomas
Long, Harry Melville
Loucks, James Alpheus
Lovett, Walter Ernest
MacArtney, Leonard Lorne
MacDonald, Harry "Deane"
MacDonald, W.S.
MacKenzie, Donald Alexander
MacKinnon, Neil John
MacPherson, George
Malloy, G.
Masterson, Albert Sidney "Sid"
McArthur, Alan
McCarter, Andrew Reginald
McCormack, William
McDonald, Elizabeth
McDougall, Baldwin Childerhouse
McGarity / McGarrity, Daniel Patrick
McGill, Jack "Lawrie"
McGillivray, Donald ‘Gordon’
McIntosh, Angus
McKay, William Wallace
McKillop, Donald Neil
McLaggan, William
McLean, John Angus
McLennan, John Ross
McLeod, John
McLeod, John Pickles Shaw
McMillan, George
McNally, Wallace
McNeil / McNeel, Joseph Harold
McPhail, Harold
McPherson, Albert Norman
McRorie, Peter Norman
Meyer, Arthur Martin
Millar, Burton Matthew
Miller, James
Mitchell, Elias
Moore, Ernest Edward
Moore, John William
Morton, John
Mowat, Alexander MacKenzie
Muir, George Harris
Munro, John Jamieson
Nadjiwon, Paul
Neath, John Frederick "Earl"
Nickel, Clarence John
Norman, Charles
O'Brien, Wilfred Patrick
Ostranger, Reginald
Page, Orville Stephen
Parrish, George Lewis Roberts
Patten, Bertram Bell
Pedwell, Jack (John) Aldon
Pierson, George Hugo
Pollock, Darwin Ray
Pope, Earnscliffe Errol
Potts, George Albert
Prest, William Henry "Harry"
Proud, Melville Douglas
Radbourne, Allan Bruce
Reddon, Garfield
Reid, Adam Ernest
Rennie, James
Ritchie, Peter
Robertson, John "Carlyle"
Rodgers, George Thomas
Rosevear, Stanley Wallace
Rowe, Maurice Medcalf
Russell, Alexander
Saleman, James Henry
Schaub, Frank
Schmidt, Harry Andrew
Scoffield, William Blain
Scott, Harold S.
Shannon, Philip Rodney
Shewfelt, Gilbert
Shouldice, Graham Milton
Slumskie, "William" Wilfred Douglas
Snowdon , Johnston Lawrence
Spears, Percy Howard
Steffler, Alphonse Anthony John
Stewart, Edward
Stoddart, Clarence John
Sturgeon, John Reginald (Jack)
Switzer, Milford William
Taylor, George Ross
Thomson, James
Tilley, Stewart William
Tope / Toupe, Blair
Towle, Sidney
Truax, Everett Ashbury
VanHatten, Henry
Vaupel, Raymond Ernest
Waldron, Wilbur Lloyd
Watson, Gordon Richard
Webber, William Spencer
Welch, Harry William
White, William F.
Whittmann, Herbert
Wilson, Alexander
Wilson, Thomas Ferguson
Wolfe, William
Woods, James Alfred
Worrall, Albert J.
Wright, Donald Albert
Young, Samuel Leslie ("Les")
Agnew, James
Aitchison, Alymer
Allan, Chester Weatherhead
Amos, Forbes
Ard, William Craige
Askin, Robert Hugh
Babcock, Andrew Enos
Bainbridge, Allen Randolph
Baker, Robert Frank
Barber, Wilfred Richard
Baty, Edward
Beitz, Roy Joseph
Belrose , Gordon Elroy
Berry, Ernest Millen
Bevan, Alfred W.
Black, James
Blackwood, John Thomas
Blake, Graham Scott
Bolton, Lambert Ernest Stanley
Boyle, Ernest
Bravener, Verner Evans
Brocklebank, Richard Addison
Bruegeman, Cecil Baden Powell
Buckingham, Eldon William
Bulger, Thomas Charles
Byers, Eldwyn Lambert
Cameron, John Alexander "Alex"
Campbell, Duncan Cameron
Campbell, Maxwell Alexander
Carroll, James
Carter, Leonard Bert
Catley, Henry Oscar
Christian, Arthur Minion
Clark, John Harvey
Cleave, James Garfield
Cocklin, Daniel
Colvin, David George
Cooper, John
Craig, George
Crawford, Orville Everett
Crozier, David MacLeod
Cunningham, George
Currie, John James
Davis, Melville Allen Duff
Day, Aca
Donald, Clarence C.
Doyle, William Andrew
Durnin, Alan Howard
Ebel, William "Robert"
Eldridge, George
Elliott, John Erwin
Ellis, Andrew Alexander
Esbaugh, Clement Joseph Guy
Falkingham, Gordon Denzil
Fear, Thornton Douglas
Ferguson, John Alexander
Finlayson, John Stanley
Fitzell, Chester
Foster, James Clyde
Fraser, Clarence Edward
Fyfe, George Leith
Garland, Edgar Sproule
George, Walter Mervin
Gilbert, Charles Morris
Glover, Lloyd Irving
Goodchild, Victor Haig
Gowanlock, Robert George
Graham, William Nelson
Gray, Robert John
Gregg, Albert Thomas
Grubb, Carl Joseph Magnus
Habbick, Andrew
Hahn, Henry Joseph
Hamlet, Harold
Hargreaves, Mason Hand
Harris, Edward A.
Hawke, Stuart
Henderson, David Gordon
Henry, Ralph Ballantyne
Herron, Norman Gilbert
Hewitt, Elwood
Higgins, William John
Hills, Keith Alexander
Hogg, David Gordon
Hooey, Sidney Edward
Howe, John Amer
Hudson, John Wesley
Hughes, Thomas Victor
Hyslop, Raoul Laurestan "Ray"
Irwin, Harold Connell
James, Jessie
Jermyn, Garnet Wallace
John, Maurice
Johnson, John E.
Jones, James Edward
Kabashkung, Lazarus
Keelan, Raymond A.
Keller, James Albert
Kenny, Frederick Harold
Kieffer, Fred
Kilborn, William Herbert
King, Thomas Richard
Kirvan, Frederick Sylvester
Knepflar, Courtney Stapleton
Krampp, Robert John
Laidlaw, Ernest
Lamorandiere, Wilfred Adolph
Lavallee, Walter Alfonse
Lediet, Preston Harold
Leitch, James Harold White
Lemont, Victor
Liebeck, Millard Meyer
Litt, Norman Hector
Lockhart, Herbert
Longe, John Alexander
Lough, Hubert Oberlin
Lycett, Frank Joseph
MacDiarmid, Alexander Duncan
MacDonald, John Alexander
MacDougall, Robert Archibald
MacKenzie, Ernest Frank
MacKinnon, Peter
MacTavish, James Harold
Maloney, Christopher
Matches, Alvin James
McArthur, Harvey Jacob
McCartney, George David Edward
McCormick, Keith Robert
McDonald, John
McDougall, William John
McGarvey, David Earl
McGill, Robert Smith
McGillivray, James
McIntosh, Robert William
McKechnie, Malcolm Archibald
McKim, William Robert
McLaren, Walter McNab
McLean, John Kenneth
McLeod, Alexander Keith
McLeod, John Alexander
McLeod, Overton
McMillan, William Thomas
McNaughton, Hugh David
McNeill, Neil Alexander
McPhail, Harold Daniel
McPherson / Macpherson, Stuart
Megraw, Hugh
Meyer, Victor Louis
Millar, Charles Bryce
Millwood, Frederick James
Monahan, Harvy Lioness
Moore, Frank Simpson
Moore, William Percy
Moses, Frederick John
Mowbray, Alexander McKenzie
Muir, John Francis (Jack)
Murray, Colin Stewart
Nawash, Daniel
Nelson, Keith Howard
Nicoll, George William
Northcott, John Henry "Jack"
Oldrieve, Ewart G.
Ottewell, Samuel Wilfred
Parker, Douglas Rendall
Parsons, Fredrick John (a.k.a. Frank)
Pearce, Emerson Albert
Penrose, James Ledran
Pike, George Hugo
Pollock, Lloyd Dufferin
Porter, Clarence Russell
Pound, Gordon Arthur
Pridmore, John
Pyne, Donald Morrison
Rathwell, Arnold
Reed, Norman Lloyd
Reid, Andrew Bonar
Reynolds, Daniel Charles
Robertson, Charles Eric
Robertson, Stewart Douglas
Rollings, William Arnold
Ross, James Adam David
Royce, Earl Stevens
Russell, Charles Ernest
Saunders, Gordon Lewis
Schefter, Frank Anthony
Schnitzler, Edward
Scott, Cecil Edgar
Scott, Laughlin Bell
Shawan, Isaac
Shields, John William
Sinclair, Angus Alexander
Small, James Maurice
Solomon, Matthew
Speirs, James Wilfred
Steffler, James Harold
Stewart, James Archibald
Stoddart, James Douglas
Sussman, Benjamin Sidney
Taman, Clifford Alfred
Teahan, John Patrick
Thomson, Roy Reid
Tilt, James Patrick
Totten, Walter James
Tranter, Joseph "Lionel"
Tuckfield, Francis Edward
Vanslyk, Henry
Vernon, Oscar D.
Wallace, Waldron Watson
Watson, John Henry
Webster, Robert James
Welsh, Murray
White, William James
Willaughan, Harry Burges
Wilson, Clarence Roy
Wilton, Alvin Edward
Wood, G.
Woods, John ("Jack")
Wraith, Wilbert Wesley
Wright, Ernest / Ernie George
Zettel, Urban Joseph
Aitchison, Alymer
Allan, Chester Weatherhead
Amos, Forbes
Ard, William Craige
Askin, Robert Hugh
Babcock, Andrew Enos
Bainbridge, Allen Randolph
Baker, Robert Frank
Barber, Wilfred Richard
Baty, Edward
Beitz, Roy Joseph
Belrose , Gordon Elroy
Berry, Ernest Millen
Bevan, Alfred W.
Black, James
Blackwood, John Thomas
Blake, Graham Scott
Bolton, Lambert Ernest Stanley
Boyle, Ernest
Bravener, Verner Evans
Brocklebank, Richard Addison
Bruegeman, Cecil Baden Powell
Buckingham, Eldon William
Bulger, Thomas Charles
Byers, Eldwyn Lambert
Cameron, John Alexander "Alex"
Campbell, Duncan Cameron
Campbell, Maxwell Alexander
Carroll, James
Carter, Leonard Bert
Catley, Henry Oscar
Christian, Arthur Minion
Clark, John Harvey
Cleave, James Garfield
Cocklin, Daniel
Colvin, David George
Cooper, John
Craig, George
Crawford, Orville Everett
Crozier, David MacLeod
Cunningham, George
Currie, John James
Davis, Melville Allen Duff
Day, Aca
Donald, Clarence C.
Doyle, William Andrew
Durnin, Alan Howard
Ebel, William "Robert"
Eldridge, George
Elliott, John Erwin
Ellis, Andrew Alexander
Esbaugh, Clement Joseph Guy
Falkingham, Gordon Denzil
Fear, Thornton Douglas
Ferguson, John Alexander
Finlayson, John Stanley
Fitzell, Chester
Foster, James Clyde
Fraser, Clarence Edward
Fyfe, George Leith
Garland, Edgar Sproule
George, Walter Mervin
Gilbert, Charles Morris
Glover, Lloyd Irving
Goodchild, Victor Haig
Gowanlock, Robert George
Graham, William Nelson
Gray, Robert John
Gregg, Albert Thomas
Grubb, Carl Joseph Magnus
Habbick, Andrew
Hahn, Henry Joseph
Hamlet, Harold
Hargreaves, Mason Hand
Harris, Edward A.
Hawke, Stuart
Henderson, David Gordon
Henry, Ralph Ballantyne
Herron, Norman Gilbert
Hewitt, Elwood
Higgins, William John
Hills, Keith Alexander
Hogg, David Gordon
Hooey, Sidney Edward
Howe, John Amer
Hudson, John Wesley
Hughes, Thomas Victor
Hyslop, Raoul Laurestan "Ray"
Irwin, Harold Connell
James, Jessie
Jermyn, Garnet Wallace
John, Maurice
Johnson, John E.
Jones, James Edward
Kabashkung, Lazarus
Keelan, Raymond A.
Keller, James Albert
Kenny, Frederick Harold
Kieffer, Fred
Kilborn, William Herbert
King, Thomas Richard
Kirvan, Frederick Sylvester
Knepflar, Courtney Stapleton
Krampp, Robert John
Laidlaw, Ernest
Lamorandiere, Wilfred Adolph
Lavallee, Walter Alfonse
Lediet, Preston Harold
Leitch, James Harold White
Lemont, Victor
Liebeck, Millard Meyer
Litt, Norman Hector
Lockhart, Herbert
Longe, John Alexander
Lough, Hubert Oberlin
Lycett, Frank Joseph
MacDiarmid, Alexander Duncan
MacDonald, John Alexander
MacDougall, Robert Archibald
MacKenzie, Ernest Frank
MacKinnon, Peter
MacTavish, James Harold
Maloney, Christopher
Matches, Alvin James
McArthur, Harvey Jacob
McCartney, George David Edward
McCormick, Keith Robert
McDonald, John
McDougall, William John
McGarvey, David Earl
McGill, Robert Smith
McGillivray, James
McIntosh, Robert William
McKechnie, Malcolm Archibald
McKim, William Robert
McLaren, Walter McNab
McLean, John Kenneth
McLeod, Alexander Keith
McLeod, John Alexander
McLeod, Overton
McMillan, William Thomas
McNaughton, Hugh David
McNeill, Neil Alexander
McPhail, Harold Daniel
McPherson / Macpherson, Stuart
Megraw, Hugh
Meyer, Victor Louis
Millar, Charles Bryce
Millwood, Frederick James
Monahan, Harvy Lioness
Moore, Frank Simpson
Moore, William Percy
Moses, Frederick John
Mowbray, Alexander McKenzie
Muir, John Francis (Jack)
Murray, Colin Stewart
Nawash, Daniel
Nelson, Keith Howard
Nicoll, George William
Northcott, John Henry "Jack"
Oldrieve, Ewart G.
Ottewell, Samuel Wilfred
Parker, Douglas Rendall
Parsons, Fredrick John (a.k.a. Frank)
Pearce, Emerson Albert
Penrose, James Ledran
Pike, George Hugo
Pollock, Lloyd Dufferin
Porter, Clarence Russell
Pound, Gordon Arthur
Pridmore, John
Pyne, Donald Morrison
Rathwell, Arnold
Reed, Norman Lloyd
Reid, Andrew Bonar
Reynolds, Daniel Charles
Robertson, Charles Eric
Robertson, Stewart Douglas
Rollings, William Arnold
Ross, James Adam David
Royce, Earl Stevens
Russell, Charles Ernest
Saunders, Gordon Lewis
Schefter, Frank Anthony
Schnitzler, Edward
Scott, Cecil Edgar
Scott, Laughlin Bell
Shawan, Isaac
Shields, John William
Sinclair, Angus Alexander
Small, James Maurice
Solomon, Matthew
Speirs, James Wilfred
Steffler, James Harold
Stewart, James Archibald
Stoddart, James Douglas
Sussman, Benjamin Sidney
Taman, Clifford Alfred
Teahan, John Patrick
Thomson, Roy Reid
Tilt, James Patrick
Totten, Walter James
Tranter, Joseph "Lionel"
Tuckfield, Francis Edward
Vanslyk, Henry
Vernon, Oscar D.
Wallace, Waldron Watson
Watson, John Henry
Webster, Robert James
Welsh, Murray
White, William James
Willaughan, Harry Burges
Wilson, Clarence Roy
Wilton, Alvin Edward
Wood, G.
Woods, John ("Jack")
Wraith, Wilbert Wesley
Wright, Ernest / Ernie George
Zettel, Urban Joseph