Lion’s Head, ON

LIONS HEAD is a post village on Isthmus Bay [in Eastnor Township], 21 miles north of Wiarton. It is growing steadily, having the advantage of a very good harbour and being surrounded by the best farming lands on the Peninsula, which are being rapidly settled. Steamers ply regularly between this point and Wiarton and Owen Sound, and weekly mails are received. In 1876 the place consisted of a store and post office. During our visit the present autumn (1879), there were in course of erection a number of dwelling houses, two hotels, a store, a grist mill for three runs of stones, a shingle, lath and planing mill, and a sash, door and blind factory. There were already in operation a saw mill, two stores, a blacksmith shop and a pump factory. The population was about 100. First published in the “Bruce County Gazeteer and Business Directory for 1880-81” published by William W. Evans.

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