Elderslie Township, ON

The first Elderslie Township settlers, Simon Orchard and Samuel Rowe, arrived in spring 1851 via the Saugeen River. The township was surveyed in the summer of 1851 and lots opened for official occupation and sale in July 1852.

In 1853, when the United Townships of the County of Bruce dissolved, Elderslie Township united with Arran Township, with Arran as the senior township for municipal governance purposes. As of January 1, 1856, the union was dissolved and Elderslie Township became a separate and independent township.

Within Elderslie Township, the communities of both Chesley and Paisley developed, with Paisley first incorporating as a village by County by-law dated June 7, 1873. Chesley incorporated as a Village through County by-law passed December 12, 1879. In 1906, Chesley became a town.

In January 1999, Elderslie Township, Chesley, Paisley, Arran Township and Tara amalgamated to form the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie in January 1999.


Mika,Nick and Helma Mika. “Places in Ontario: Their Name Origins and History.” Belleville: Mika Publishing Company, 1977.

Robertson, Norman. “The History of the County of Bruce and of the minor municipalities therein.” Toronto: William Briggs, 1906.


Adolph, Russel Clifford
Agnew, George
Agnew, James
Agnew, Oscar
Aitken, Robert John ’Jack’
Almont, John ‘Keith’
Alpaugh, Beatrice Mary
Alpaugh, William ‘Gordon’ Eric
Ankenmann, Alfred
Ankenmann, Gerald
Ankenmann, Richard Douglas (Bob)
Anstead, William Austin
Archer, Elwood Wilmer (Stormy)
Archer, Thomas
Atkinson, Roy Campbell
Austin, Daniel Clifford
Austin, Merle Vivian (Hunter)
Babcock, Thomas
Bain, Donald James
Baker, Robert Frank
Ballachey, Frederic Allen
Barfoot, Stewart Leslie
Barnett, Herbert Charles
Bearman, Thomas Edward
Becker, John Herman
Bell, Elmer Warner
Bell, Harvey Stewart
Bell, Henry Harold
Bell, Joseph Wellington
Bell, Norman Percy
Bell, Reuben Lawrence
Bierworth, John Henry
Blackburn, John Robert
Blohm, Hans Christian Franz "Tiny"
Bowers, John Laishey ‘Jack’
Boyle, Frank Stewart
Boynton, Clarence James
Brown, James Bryce
Brown, Walter ‘Clark’
Bruegeman, Cecil Baden Powell
Bruegemann, Truman Glenn
Burden, Edward
Callahan, John Edgar
Cann, Robert Alma
Cass, John Carlyle
Caudle, Russell Archibald
Christie, John Wesley
Christie, Robert Samuel Leslie
Cleave, Beatrice "Jean" (Miller)
Cocklin, Daniel
Cole, Arthur James
Cole, Dawson Albert
Collard, Reuben L.
Collins, Harold Francis
Colwell, John James
Connor, Ivan Ceaser
Cox, John Percival
Crawford, Orville Everett
Crerar, Cameron Ramsey
Crerar, Robert Hugh
Cronkwright, Harvey "Harry" Alton
Cunningham, William
Dailey, Edgar Archie
Davison, Samuel Melville ‘Mel’
Dawm, Gordon Arlington
Doucet, Joseph A.
Douglas, John Miller
Dudgeon, William Lloyd
Eason, Irwin
Farrow, Herbert Garfield
Farrow, Kenneth Henry
Fenton, "Jack" John Alexander
Field, Edgar Austin
Finn, Herbert Stewart
Fischer, Leonard George
Gardner, Harold Stanley
Gateman, Albert Louis
Gateman, Elmer Christopher George
Gooding, Richard "Ross"
Grant, Edna
Grant, George Louis
Gray, Robert John
Green, George Leslie
Greygoose, Alfred George
Grierson, Mary Elizabeth
Halliday, Charles John "Jack"
Halliday, Keith "Bud" James
Hamilton, Henry "Mervyn"
Hamilton, John Charles
Hammond, William Harold
Hanbidge / Hanbridge, Jack / John
Harvie, Russel James
Hauser, "Percy" Percival Christian
Hauser, Orville Raymond
Hawkins, Frederick Clayton
Hayter, Frank Daniel
Heinmiller, Henry Phillip
Hepburn, George David
Hepburn, Samuel "Wayne"
Hepburn, Samuel James
Hood, George ’Findlay’
Hooey, Sidney Edward
Hope, Gretta Laurene
Hughes, John
Hughes, Mildred
Hughes, Walter McLellan
Jack, Henry ("Harry")
Jack, William
Jackson, Melville Louden
Jay, Douglas Pierce / Percy
Jefkins, Frank
Johnson / Johnston, Thomas Percy
Johnston, Herbert A.
Kidd, William Elijah
Kirk, Forrest Wilfred
Kirkwood, Allan (Bud)
Kloepfer, Gregory
Kloepfer, Richard Peter
Krohn, William Louis
Krug, Stanley James
Lamont, George Robert
Last, Robert Ralph
Lochead, Harold "Nelson"
Lowery, Joseph John
Lustig, William Henry "Harry"
MacGregor, Howard Gladstone
MacKinnon, Donald Langell
MacLean / McLean, Dugald Black
MacNeill, Lloyd George
MacNeill, John
MacPherson, John Austin
Manto, Harold Lawrence
Margree, William Henry Arthur
Mawhinney/Mewhinney, Robert
Maxwell, Stewart
McAfee, John
McAllister, Roy Malcolm
McArthur, John
McCaw, Thomas
McClelland, Frederick "Lloyd"
McCurdy, Ross George
McCurdy, William Henry
McDonald, David
McDonald, James Hunter
McDonald, John Cecil
McDonald, Stewart
McDonald, William Moss
McGill, Elmer William
McGill, Elroy Warren
McGill, Robert Smith
McGill, Samuel ‘Clarence’
McGill, Warren Melville "Mel"
McGilveary, Gordon
McGregor, Rob Roy / Robroy
McGregor, Russell Bruce
McIntosh, Elmer John William
McKechnie, Malcolm Archibald
McKelvie, Harvey Melvin
McKerracher, Duncan George
McKillop, Malcolm Archibald
McKinnon, John W.
McLaggan, William
McLeish, Alexander Neil
McLeod, Hugh Dennis
McLeod / MacLeod, John Archibald ("Jack")
McNeel, Harlo Franklin
McNeill, Lloyd George
McNeill, Malcolm M.
McRorie, Harold Arnel "Jim"
McRorie, Peter Norman
McSporran, Donald Halbertson
Megraw, Hugh
Miller, Frances Betty
Miller, James
Milne, Donald Hugh
Milne, Stuart Alexander
Mink, Allan William
Monkman, Albert
Muir, George Harris
Muir, James Stewart
Murphy, Douglas Seymour
Neale, Charles Victor
Neale, Ethel Pearl
Nelson, William "Erwin"
Nicholson, Mark
Nicoll, George William
Nightingale, Clarence Wesley
Noble, "Jack" John Randall
Owens, William Robert
Parker, Christopher
Parker, Horace
Parsons, James Ernest
Patterson, Fred
Patterson, Harold Edward
Patterson, Sidney Marshall
Pearce, Emerson Albert
Pepper, Garland Rae
Pepper, William Lloyd
Pfohl, Freeman
Pfohl, Ivan Lauman ‘Rollie’
Phillips, Jasper Clifton (Babe)
Pitt, Leslie
Plaskett, Gordon Joseph
Pollock, Robert
Pound, John Alfred
Powell, Sidney Edwin
Prescott, John "Archie"
Priebe, Norman
Primmer, Kenneth Albert
Redmond, Gordon
Reid, John Alexander
Reid, Peter "Gordon"
Robinson, Peter
Rock, Frank MacArthur
Rolston, John
Rolston, Karl Edward
Rolston, Wilfred Burton
Rushton, John Dean
Sanderson, Kenneth "Hardie"
Sanderson, Robert Miles
Schwartz, Edgar Clarence
Scobie, David
Sloan, Archibald McNeill
Sloan, Thomas Edgar
Slumskie, Gordon Albert
Slumskie, Rendall (Ren) Emerson
Slumskie, Roy David
Small, James Maurice
Smith, Wallace Alvin
Spracklin, Roy Winston
Stephen, John
Stewart, James Downing
Stoddart, Alvin Walter
Stoddart, Clarence John
Stoddart, Lorne Gordon
Streeter, "Les" Robert Leslie
Strong, Harvey George
Subject, Bruce John
Sulkye, Leonard
Sutcliffe, Thomas Raymond
Switzer, George Edward
Switzer, Milford William
Taylor, George Lemuel
Teasdale, Elsie Arnetta
Teschke, Carl William "Charlie"
Thomas, Charles William
Thompson, George E.
Thompson, Hazel
Thomson, Joseph Wallace "Joe"
Thomson, Samuel Leslie
Vancise, William James "Allan"
Wagner, Melville "Ross"
Walks, John David
Walpole, Peter "Reid"
Warmington, John McDonald "Jack"
Warnock, William George
Weeden, Gordon Herbert
Weeden, James "Keith"
Weirmier, Ross Laverne
White, William James
Whittmann, Herbert
Wilson, James Kenneth
Winch, Henry Oscar
Winch, Leslie
Witzke, Herbert Eric
Wood , Lloyd William
Wood, Walter
Woodbridge, Samuel Baldwin
Woods, John ("Jack")
Woods, Thomas Alexander
Wright, Ernest / Ernie George
Yeoman, Algernon
Young, John Arnold
Young, Joseph "Joe" Wilbert