Brant Township, ON

Provincial Land Surveyor A.P. Brough surveyed the colonization road (Durham Road) from the village of Durham through Bentinck, Brant, Greenock and Kincardine Townships to Lake Huron Settlement in or around 1848. Settlement in the township started as early as 1849 with “free grants” consisting of the first and second concessions north and south of the Durham Road. Brough completed the survey of Brant Township in 1850, and the rest of the lots in the township were offered for sale in August 1851.

In 1853, when the United Townships of the County of Bruce was dissolved, the townships of Brant and Carrick remained united, with Brant Township as the senior township. The Township of Brant incorporated separately on January 1, 1856.

As the settlers arrived, many communities developed within the township, the largest being Walkerton. In 1871, Walkerton incorporated as a town.

The Municipality of Brockton was formed on January 1, 1999, by amalgamating the township of Brant, township of Greenock and the town of Walkerton. Brockton’s name was formed as a portmanteau of the three merged municipalities (Brant Greenock Walkerton).


Adams, Rex Edwin (Bud)
Adams, Ronald
Adel/Topping, Fred Frank
Alexander, Wilbert
Alexander, Wilmer George
Alton, Elizabeth Hamilton Jackson
Alton, Thomas Howard
Ammann, Joseph Carl
Anderson, Fred
Anderson, Louis
Anderson, William J.
Anstett, Francis John
Armstrong, Joseph C.
Atkinson, Burton Frederick
Atkinson, Elwood D.
Atkinson, George Elroy
Austin, George Thomas
Bailey, William Edward
Baillie, William ‘Trimble’
Bannerman, Andrew
Barlow, Vera (Winterburn)
Baughn, Frederick
Becker, Hilbert Harold
Becker, Meryle
Bell, David
Bell, Gordon McBride
Bell, John Wesley
Bell, Joseph Wellington
Bell, Victor Milne
Bell, William John
Beninger, Victor
Benninger, Alfred George
Benninger, Frank
Berberich, Cletus A. ‘Clayton’
Berberich, Harold J.
Berezowski, Edward
Best, Joseph
Bester, Edward J.
Bester, James M.
Black, James
Blake, George William
Bluhm, George Albert
Bluhm, William Alexander
Bogdon, Melchior C.
Bolden, Harry Edwin
Boss, Charles Talbert
Bowern, Harold Albert
Bradley, Gerald Burdette "Brad"
Brindley, Edwin
Brindley, Edwin
Bristow, James Harold Pearson
Brocklebank, Richard Addison
Brodhagen, Emil Gottlieb
Brown, Bernard Lionel (“Bunny”)
Buckingham, Vernard Joseph
Burke, John Jr.
Burke, John Sr.
Burrell, William Edward
Burrows, Arthur William
Busby, John Charles "Jack"
Cameron, Arthur ’Bruce’
Cameron, Ewart Dryden (Texas)
Campbell, Clifford John
Campbell, Helen B.
Carson, William James
Cartwright, Herbert ("Bert")
Cassidy, Clarence Albert
Cassidy, Elmer Alphonus
Cassidy, Gerald Edmund ("Gerry")
Cassidy, Jerome Francis
Cassidy, Patrick Augustine ("Gus")
Channings, Arthur Henry
Chesney, Joseph Henry
Chilcott, Vera (McCannel)
Chisholm, James Findlater
Christie, Russell Alexander
Clancy, John Francis
Clark, Fraser S.
Clark, Henry
Clarke, George Edward
Cliff, Ronald M.
Colhoun, Sheldon ‘Whitney’
Collins, Joeseph
Condy, Horace Nathaniel
Connell, Thomas Gordon
Cooper, Matthew Thomas
Craddock, Elmore Bradshaw
Craig, George Buchanan
Craig, Lorne
Craig, William
Crerar, James Gardiner
Cronin, Elmer Joseph
Crosier (Crozier), Robert "John"
Crozier, David MacLeod
Cryderman, Ethel Mildred
Culliton, Rene Howard
Cuneo, Anthony Conrad
Cunningham, Chester Archie
Cunningham, George
Cunningham, James
Curtis, Uriah ‘Norman’
Damm, Howard Harold Allan
Daniel, Walter James
Dennie, George Sparling
Denny (a.k.a. Dennie), Adam
Denny (a.k.a. Dennie), Norman
Denny (a.k.a. Dennie) , Philip
Dentinger, Raymond Joseph
Devlin, Lorne F.
Dirstein, George Richly
Disch, David George
Dixon, Elliott Rupert
Dixon, Thomas
Dobson, Harold William
Dobson, William Matthew
Doerr, Albert Edward ("Albie")
Doerr, Jerome P. ‘Toby’
Duggan, Alvin Joseph
Durkin, Terence ("Terry") John
Ebel, James Wesley
Eby, Harvey J.
Eidt, Edward Gerald
Eidt, Walter Harold
Ellig, Raymond J.
Ellig / Illig, Jerome
Ellig / Illig, Raymond L.
Ellis, Edgar Milton "Ted"
Ellis, Howard Morrison
Ellis, James Ewart
Ellis, Orville Kitchener ’Bill’
Ernst, Albert Joseph
Ernst, Andrew John
Etherton, John
Etsell, Olive
Evans, Douglas Ross
Evans, Robert "Bob"
Farrow, Herbert Garfield
Fedy, Norval Ambrose
Fennell, Floyd White
Fennell, Stuart / Stewart Henry
Fennell, William Henry
Fenner, George Albert
Ferguson, Archibald ("Archie") Earl
Ferguson, John ("Jack") Emmanuel
Ferguson, John S. ("Jack")
Fidler, Ivy Constance
Fidler, Matthew J.
Fidler / Fiddler, Matthew J.
Fields, Prince Albert
Findlay, Robert Alexander Malcolm ‘Mac’
Fisk, Kenneth Reid
Fisk, Norman Edward
Flachs, Leo George
Fleet, Ronald L.
Flewelling, George
Fowler, Bernard
Fraser, Roy Alden
Fulcher, Charles Elliott
Fullerton, Jack (John) A.
Fursier, Herbert
Fusier, Herbert
Gallagher, Patricia
Gallinger, Grenville (Grant) Nelson
Gallinger, Kenneth Douglas
Garcia, Joseph Louis
Garland, Elmer Anson
Garland, Gordon Crawford
Gateman, Albert Louis
Gateman, Elmer Christopher George
George, Percy Milton
Gies, Carl Ambrose
Giesler, Earl Joseph
Gordon, Ross Albert
Goring, Sydney George
Gorrie, Jack Douglas
Graff, John Alexander
Graff / Graf, Edward Vincent
Grainger, Emma Edith
Gransden, Howard M.
Grant, James Hugh
Graves, John H.
Gregg, James Elmer
Gross, John Peter Francis (“Jack”)
Gross, Michael D.
Grubb (Grub), Otto Philip
Guenther, Robert Adam
Haas, Gabriel
Halk, Francis A.
Hanley, William Patrick
Hanmore, Gerald Sylvester
Harrington, Leonard Garfield
Harris, Charles Russell
Hartman, August Franklin ‘Frank’
Harvie, George William
Hawkins, Jeffery Marshall
Hehn, Frank Andrew
Henderson, David
Henderson, Guy L.
Henderson, Herbert Earl
Henderson, John Major
Henderson, Lorne George
Henderson, Roy
Herd, Frederick Thomas
Hergott, Lorne Jacob
Hetsler, James Wilkin
Hetsler, Nelson
Heughan, Arthur Edwin
Hewitson, Douglas William
Hewitson, Kenneth A.
Hickling, Henry Stephen
Hill, Harold Roy
Hislop (Hyslop), Wilberforce
Hobley, Charles Alan
Hoffman, Alvin
Hoffman, Arnold Christian
Hoffman, Leonard William Frederick
Hogg, David Gordon
Hogg, John Andrew
Hogg, Marion Miss
Hoover, Bertram Harold
Howie, Joseph Fraser
Howie, Wilbert Fairbairn
Huck, Norman
Huffman, John Harvey
Hunstein, Willis John Clayton
Huntley, George F.
Hussey, John Joseph
Hutton, William Russell
Hyslop, Raoul Laurestan "Ray"
Inglis, Emma ‘Alberta’
Jacklin, Bruce Cunningham
Jagelewski, George Julius
Jagelewski, Joseph John
Jagelewski, Joseph Michael John
Jagelewski, Matthew
James, Charles Henry
James, Frederick Benjamin
Jarvis, Herbert Joseph
Jenkins, John Clayton
Jewell, Frederick Earl
Johnston, June (Mahood)
Johnston, Peter B.
Johnston, Val
Johnston, William E.
Johnstone, J.P. (John Philemon)
Kain, Armand Ellsworth
Kain, Melville John
Kain, Rev. Roy Joseph
Kain, Robert John
Kain, Victor L.
Keating, Francis Joseph
Kellough, Harvey Telford
Kelsey, Bruce Herbert
Kelsey, Herbert
Kennedy, John
Kenny, Bruce Thomas Frederick
Kenny, Frederick Harold
Kerr, John Robert
Kieffer, Clarence Jerome
King, Thomas William
Kirkwood, Allan (Bud)
Kissack, Cecil James
Klein, Isobel Mary
Klein, Judge Alphonse Basil
Kleist, Servin William Frederick
Knechtel, Gordon
Knepflar, Courtney Stapleton
Knoll, Raymond Joseph
Knox, William James Joseph
Kochut, Joseph E.
Kowaski, Stanley J.
Kramer, John Joseph
Kramp, Andrew Garfield
Krueger, Clarence R. J.
Lamb, Walter James
Lambertus, Jerome Norman
Lamont, Joseph "Howard"
Lamont, Ronald Douglas
Lamont, Stuart Alexander
Lancaster, John Berkley
Lane, Rev. David James
Laport, William
Larsen, Carl Joseph
Larsen, Donald Lawrence
Larsen, Erling S.
Larsen, Robert Casper
Leake, Samuel
Leech, Amos Robert
Leech, James
Leeson, Roy Cleveland
Lefler, James E.
Leslie, Robert Marsh
Lewis, Edward Henry
Liddle, Rees Thomas
Lindsay, William Simpson
Lines, Lloyd Elmer
Lines, Walter John Edward
Lippert, Alexander G.
Lipskie, Reginald M.
Litt, Borden Gordon
Litt, Gordon P.
Litt, Harold Gordon
Litt, Norman Hector
Litt, Olive Lillian
Livingstone, John Alexander
Lorenz, Grant Albert
Lorenz, Kenneth
Lumley, John Thomas
Lumley, Oswald Peter / Joseph
Lynett, William Louis
MacGregor, Robert D.
Mack, Kenneth Roy
Mack, William
Mack, William Frederick
MacKay, Robert Havelock
MacKee, Carl Wilmer
MacKenzie, Ernest Frank
MacKenzie, Peter Stuart
MacLennan, Alexander James
MacLeod, Agnes Jean
Mahood, Roy Henry
Mallard, William James
Marshall, Walter James
Martyn, George H. D.
McCabe, Myles Everett
McCallum, James
McCallum, Kathryn
McCannel, Edwin S.
McCarter, Andrew Reginald
McCarter, David
McCaw, George James Ernest
McClement, Robert
McConnell, Howard Leslie "Les"
McCue, Peter Francis, Dr.
McCurdy, James
McDougall, Angus Thornburn
McFadden (Whitburn), Doris ‘Fern’
McGarrity, Edward Patrick
McGarrity, Thomas Joseph Paul
McGarrity / McGarity, John Edward "Jack"
McGillawee, Charles Gibson
McGillawee, Robert Archibald
McGillivray, Clark Alexander
McGuire, Philip Francis
McKechnie, Malcolm Archibald
McKinnon, John Brown ‘Jack’
McLean, Ross George
McLean, W.A.
McLeod, Edmund Sheppard
McNab, James Frederick
McNab, Michael John
McNally, Arthur Watson
McNally, Gordon Flett
McNaughton, James Fitzpatrick
McNeil, Neil Ambrose
McNeill, Neil Alexander
McNeill, Thomas Gordon
McPhail, Daniel
Merchant, Robert Jacob
Meyer, Clayton Louis
Meyer, Harold E.
Meyer, Herbert Charles
Meyer, Joseph Francis
Meyer, Leonard "Charles"
Meyer, Thomas Casper
Meyer, William James
Miller, Elden Victor
Miller, Eugene Henry
Miller, Frederick William
Milne, Neil Duncan
Monk, Courtney Joseph
Monk, Eldon Henry Louis
Monk, Leonard John Albert
Monk, Victor Jacob
Moore, Frank Simpson
Moore, Frederick Charles
Moos, Ernest F.
Moran, Francis "Joseph" Michael
Morley, Ernest Frank
Mortimer, William Henry
Mullen, Earl Raymond
Mullen, Walter J.
Mullen, Wilbert J.
Musehl, Lloyd Louis
Myers, William John
Napper, Herbert Wallace "Wally"
Neil, Orval N.
Nelson, Earl J.
Nestman, Joseph John
Nugent, Harry C.
O'Bright / Obrecht, Edward William
O'Connor, Garrett Daunt
O'Connor, Hamilton P.
O'Hagan, Midford
O'Hagan, Patrick Wimmer
O'Reilly, Andrew
O'Reilly, Thomas Joseph ‘T. J.’
O'Reilly, Vincent ‘Sarto’
Oberle, Leo Eugene Alexander
Oldrieve, Ewart G.
Ostic, William Clark
O’Hagan, Midford Nicholas
O”Hagan, Patrick Wimmer
Pearson, Frederick George "Fred"
Perdue, Rev. Richard
Petteplace, Rev. Charles V.
Petteplace, William Orald
Pettit, William Beecher
Pfohl, Elmer George
Pinkerton, Everett Stanley
Pinkerton, Gordon Leigh
Pinkerton, Hugh "Elwood"
Pinkerton, John Lloyd
Pinkerton, Ronald Henry
Pinkey, Bruce William
Pinkney, Earl Richmond
Pinkney, Stewart Franklin
Plakholm, Ernest J.
Plant, Reuben
Plaskett, Gordon Joseph
Plaskett, Mervyn Stanley
Pletsch, Percy Nelson
Plowright, John Edward
Potts, Edward
Procknow, Roy W.
Proud, Elmer Reginald
Racher, Norman Albert
Read, William John
Reddon, Roy William
Regier, Jerome J.
Reichenbach, Conrad
Reichenbach, Ethelred "Effie"
Reinhardt / Reinhart, Anthony Sylvester
Reinhart, Thomas Joseph
Remus, Carl John
Rennie, James Young
Richardson, Edward James
Riehl, William George
Riley, Robert Lloyd
Riley, William ‘Elmer’
Robertson, Charles Eric
Robertson, David
Robertson, Norman
Robertson, Norman Roy
Robinson, Frederec Wilfred ("Fritz")
Rock, George McLeod
Rothaupt, Albert
Rothaupt, Harold W.
Routledge, Robert James
Rowand, Elmer McLeod
Rowand, Irene Elizabeth
Rudolph, John
Rumig, Albert Frank
Russell, Adam Leith
Ryan, Francis Joseph
Ryan, Philip Michael
Scales, Howard James
Schaab, Alvin Samuel
Schaab, Esther Leona
Schefter, Frank
Schefter, Frank Anthony
Schefter, George Anthony
Schenk, Douglas A.
Schmalz, Lorne Charles
Schmidt, Edward
Schmidt, Leonard Andrew
Schmidt, Leonard Francis
Schmidt, William Carl
Schmidt, William Peter
Schnurr, Arthur John
Schnurr, George J.
Schnurr, Henry George
Schnurr, John Francis "Jack"
Schnurr, Robert Louis
Schonstrom, Anthony B. (Yngve)
Schultz, Norman Fritz
Schumacher, Edward Peter
Schumacher, Joseph Albert
Schwegler, Louis
Scott, Gordon James
Seegmiller, Karl Lewis
Seidle, Edwin Anthony
Seigfried, Michael George
Semple, Robert Bruce
Shannon, Percival (Percy) Roy
Shaw, Alexander
Silk, David Edgar William
Sillers, George David
Simpson, Ralph
Sinclair, Herbert H.
Sinclair, Laughlin
Smith, Donald A.
Smith, George Raymond
Smith, Walter Frank
Smulko, Vincent
Sockett, George Alfred
Sparling, Henry Philip
Sparling, Hillard George
Spencer, Elwyn/ Elwin Lavern
Spitzig, Carl Francis
Spitzig, Herbert H.
Stansal, Allan Leslie
Stansal , Ross
Stapleton, Alberta Mary "Bertie"
Steffler, Elmer Daniel
Steffler, Matthew Albin
Stephenson, George Elgin
Sternall, John Alvin
Stewart, Jack A.
Stout, William John ("Jack")
Strader, Howard Oswald John
Strader, Jerome Joseph
Streeter, "Les" Robert Leslie
Subject, Bruce John
Subject, Walter Alexander
Sutter, Paul A.
Swanston, Walter Fielding
Swanston, William John
Tanner, Gordon Henry
Taylor, Henry Samuel, Sr.,
Taylor, Leslie Wellington
Thaler, John David
Thompson, James Stuart
Thompson, William Alexander
Thoms, Carl Albert
Threndyle, Hugh Andrew
Threndyle, Hugh James
Todtz, Norman Carl
Tolton, Charles Alfred
Tolton, Ernest Archie
Trail, Gordon David
Tremp, William
Truax, Everett Ashbury
Truax, Reuban Eldridge
Tschirhart, Harry Joseph
Turner, Robert Melville
Vallie, Roy Merrill
Van Horne, Peter Maxwell
Van Horne / Vanhorne, Whitney Garnet
VanHatten, Henry
Von Hatten , Clayton R.
Von Hatten, Cyril N.
Wade, Harold
Waechter, Percy Alexander
Wagner, Christopher Joseph
Walker, Hector Leonard
Wallace, Clark
Wallace, George Elmer
Wallace, Joseph Joshua
Wallace, Waldron Watson
Wallace, Wilfred Gordon
Ward, Albert
Washington, Cyril Frederick
Weaver, Bernard
Weaver, Eugene Gerard
Webb, Willard
Webber, Calvin Ray
Weber, Lawrence George "Lorne"
Wedow, Clarence
Wehenkel, Albert Michael
Weichman, "Harry" Henry Frederick Johann
Weiler, Clarence Gerrard
Weiler, George Roy
Weiler, Philip Jacob
Welfley, Frederick Henry
Weppler, Arthur Henry
Wesley, William Charles
Wettlaufer, Henry D.
Whitehead, Gordon
Whitehead, Harold
Wilhelm, Jerome Francis Henry
Williams, Albert (Bert) Charles
Williams, Henry Alfred
Willoughby, Clark Ryerson
Wilson, Thomas Henry
Wilton, Alvin Edward
Winter, William Crawford
Winterburn, William "Howard"
Winters, Herman
Wismer, Jack
Wolfe, William
Wood , William Edgar
Wood, William Wallace ‘Wally’
Wyatt, William Elbert
Yaeck, Lawrence Joseph
Yates, Eldon Hodgson
Yates, Robert Edwin
Young, Richard Alexander "Alex"
Young, Samuel Leslie ("Les")
Zettel, Urban Joseph
Ziarko, Meiczyslaw (Mike)
Zuber, Ira Edward
Zuber, Peter Francis