Allenford, ON

ALLENFORD is a post village [in Amabel and Arran Townships] on the south line, about two miles from the east line, and on the north gravel road, distant 11 miles from Southampton, and 12 from Owen Sound. The River Sauble passes through the village, affording an excellent water privilege. It will also be a station on the Stratford and Lake Huron railway, now in process of construction, which will no doubt add materially in developing its commercial interests by making here an. outlet for the produce of the surrounding country. Daily stages run from Southampton and Owen Sound, and daily mails are received from each of these places. The village contains two churches (Methodist and Presbyterian,) four general stores, a harness shop, butcher shop, tailor shop, hotel, two blacksmith shops, a millinery store, grist mill, saw mill, cabinet shop, tin shop, shoe shop, two carriage shops, a plow factory, bakery, drug store, and 325 inhabitants. The village was surveyed in 1867, and the post office established the following year. First published in the “Bruce County Gazeteer and Business Directory for 1880-81” published by William W. Evans.

Cenotaphs & Cemeteries

No Cenotaphs or Cemeteteries Listed