D Company


Early days of the First World War saw many Bruce County men join the Canadian Expeditionary Force.  Bruce County men enlisted in 1914 and 1915 at many locations across Canada, many of whom already had military training through the County’s militia, the 32nd Bruce Regiment.  On December 2, 1915, Lt. Col. Adam Weir, former commander of the 32nd Bruce Regiment, was instructed to form a Battalion made entirely of Bruce County citizens.  Four companies were mobilized: A Company from Walkerton, Cargill, Paisley, Port Elgin and Southampton; B Company from Chesley, Tara, Hepworth and Teeswater; C Company from Wiarton, Lion’s Head, Tobermory, Cape Chin and the First Nations; and D Company from Kincardine, Lucknow, Ripley and Tiverton.  The Battalion Band was mobilized mostly of men from the Chesley Citizen’s Band.  The men were relied upon to encourage others to join, and recruitment rallies were held across the County.

The 160th Bruce Battalion had over 1,350 enlist to support forces already overseas.  By May 1916, over 1,200 men were sent to Walkerton for a month of training together.  On June 4, 1916, they marched from Walkerton to Chesley to receive their colours from Tara native, Premier William Howard Hearst.  They then moved to London, Ontario for training in the summer of 1916, and by October were sent to England for another year of grueling training before being sent to the front lines.

Enlistment continued after the 160th went overseas, as people came of age, or were drafted under the Military Service Act in 1917.

In February 1918, the 160th was disbanded and the men were transferred to a variety of other Battalions including the 1st, 18th, 47th, and 78th Canadian Infantry Battalions.

In all, approximately 2,000 Bruce County men enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force.  Over 650 did not come home, or died shortly after arriving home of wounds sustained in the course of duty.

For more photographs and information about D Company of the 160th Battalion, visit Bruce County Museum’s Online Collections site: D Company, 160th Battalion, Bruce County Museum Online Collections.



Abbs, James Albert
Abell, Alfred Avery
Agnew, Thomas David
Ahmed, Albert Edward
Anderson, Oscar Clyde
Austin, Robert
Baird, Frank Henry
Baird, Patrick
Baker , James Daniel
Barber, William Walter
Barnes, Percy Arthur
Battle, Frederick
Begg, Earl Gilcrest
Bell, Bertram Reginald
Bell, Clifford William
Bell, Norval Delbert
Bell, Wilton Adam
Blackman, Frederick
Blackwell, Frederick Gamond
Blue, George James
Bogues, Gordon William
Brooks, George Albert
Brown, George John
Brown, John Duncan
Buchanan, Robert Donald
Butler, Alexander
Cameron, Archie James
Cameron, Donald William
Cameron, Peter Edwin
Campbell, Alexander Collin
Campbell, William George
Carleton, Earl Neil
Carnegie, Donald Hugh
Casemore, William Roy
Chadwick, Henry ("Harry") McLean
Chapman, Edward
Chisholm, Harry
Clark, George Melvin
Clinton, James Hamilton
Clinton, Norman Herbert
Cluley, Francis Frederick
Colwell, Ralph James
Conway, Albert Victor
Cotton, Harry James
Cox, David
Cronin, James Albert
Daly, Cecil John
Daniel, James Orwell
Davis, Frederick
Dawkins, Albin
Dennett, Arthur
Dobbs, William Joseph
Drennan, William Elwood
Duke, Albert Frederick
Dunlop, Hugh Carfrae
Dymer, George Henry
Dymott, Arthur Charles
Ellison, Henry John
English, Bertie George
Everitt, John Thomas
Fenner, George Albert
Ferris, Thomas Roy
Finlayson, David Stewart
Finlayson, John Stanley
Fisher, Robert
Fraser, Hector Alexander ("Jack")
Gaunt, Beth Mellow
Gillard, Arthur
Gillespie, Charles Lloyd
Gillies, Murdock Lawrence ‘Maido’
Graham, Marshall Bowles Emmerson
Gray, John McKenzie
Greenwood, Walter
Groves, Albert William
Gulliver, Reginald Edward
Hall, Albert
Harrington, Leonard Garfield
Harris, William
Hassall, George Thomas
Hassall, Joseph
Haug, James Westley (a.k.a. James Wesley)
Hayes, Alfred Nathaniel
Heath, Percival ("Percy")
Henderson, Clarence Robert
Henderson, Robert John
Henry, Alexander Bruce
Henry, Earl Irvine
Hewitt, Robert John
Hilton, Arthur
Hine, Percy William
Holdsworth, Frank
Hooey, Clarence Henry
Hughes, Allister
Hughes, William Thomas
Hunt, Bernard Leo
Hunter, Robert Meredith
Huston, William Irwin
Hutchison, John Sherwood
Inkster, John Herbert
Irwin, St. Clair
Jarrell, John Lawrence
Jarrell, William Henry
Jewell, Richard Thomas
Jewitt, William Albert
Johnson, Albert
Johnston, Noble Allan
Kean, Clare
Kennedy, Alexander
Kennedy, Alexander Dunlop
Kennedy, Alexander William
Kennedy, David George
Kennedy, William
Kilgour, David Andrew
Kitchen, John
Krueger, Clarence R. J.
Kupnycki, John
Lake, Samuel
Lavis, James
Leake, Samuel
Lewis, Albert Walter
Love, Samuel Robert
MacArthur, George Duncan
MacAuley, Angus Archie
MacDonald, Donald J.
MacDonald, James Cameron
MacDonald, Thomas Archibald
MacGregor, Donald Gregor
MacGregor, John Alexander "Jack"
MacInnes, John Beaton
MacKinnon, John Hugh
MacKinnon, Malcolm
Macklem, Frank Alexander
MacLean, Albert Wellington
MacLennan, Neil
Matheson, Kenneth Alexander
McAfee, Edgar Joseph
McClure, Malcolm Hector ("Bert")
McConnell, William Nelson
McCormack, William
McCreath, David Oswald
McCreight, Francis
McDermid, Neil
McDonald, Donald
McDonald, Donald Paul "Scobie Dan"
McDonald, Norman John
McDonald, William Malcolm
McDougall, Arthur
McDougall, Donald Archibald
McDuff, Ted
McFadyen, Martin Charles
McIntosh, Alexander Donald
McIvor, Angus
McKay, John Douglas
McKay, Robert Andrew
McKay, Wilfred Laurier
McKeeman, Clyde William
McKendrick, John Donald
McKenzie, Samuel
McKenzie, Walter Beaton
McKinnon, Peter
McLennan (MacLennan), Torrance
McLeod, Angus
McLeod, Archibald Ross ("Archie")
McLeod, Peter
McNally, Wilbert Angus
McNaughton, Hugh David
McPherson / Macpherson, Stuart
Middleton, Cecil Stanley
Mills, John Richard
Moore, William Jordon
Morgan, William Richard
Morrison, Vincent
Murray, Neil
Neale, Arthur John
Newby, Baden Powell
Nicholson, Mark
Nixon, Joseph Thomas
Norman, Angus
Nuttall, Robert Scott
Ogden, James
Ogden, Wilfred George
Onslow, Langley Godfrey
Palmer, Thomas Earl
Paterson, Archie
Paterson, James
Paterson, William John ("Billy")
Patten, Roy Maus
Peakall, Stanley William
Peircey, Ernest William
Petteplace, William Allan
Pettitt, Frederick
Phillips, George
Pilkington, William
Piper (Pieper), Frederick George
Plowright, Sidney Oscar
Pooley, Ernest George
Portice, Richard James
Portice, William John
Preston, Albert
Purser, John Frederick
Reid, Samuel Lorne
Reid, Wesley Gladstone
Reynolds, Daniel Charles
Richards, Charles Thomas
Riggin, Herbert "Bert" Keith
Rising, Frank
Ritchie, Albert Carrick
Roberts, George Henry
Robinson, Andrew Ernest
Robinson, John Alexander ("Sandy")
Robinson, Robert Henry
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, William Thomas
Romminger, John
Ross, David Gordon
Roulston, Percy John
Rowe, Thomas Nelson
Rowney, George Percy
Sanford, David
Schmidt, Simon Wesley
Schnittker, Frederick Christopher
Scott, Benjamin Walter
Scott, Cecil Edgar
Scott, Richard
Shewfelt, Delbert James
Shewfelt, Gordon Archibald
Shewfelt, Howard
Shrider, Robert
Sinclair, John
Slaughter, James Edward
Smeltzer, Gordon Elgin
Smith, Donald James
Smith, Norman Leonard
Snowdon, Dawson Clarence
Snowdon , Johnston Lawrence
Sproule, Hugh
Sproule, Joseph
Stanley, William Benjamin
Stannard, Albert John
Stears, Harry St. Clair
Stewart, Donald Wilfred
Stimson, William
Stirling, Lloyd Alexander
Stout, Hugh Rae
Strachan, William Kay
Stringer, John Wilmer
Sturgeon, Frederick
Sturgeon, John Wesley
Sturgeon, Samuel Davidson
Summers, George
Swatman, George
Syder, William Augustus
Symon, James ("Jim") Sherman
Taylor, Edward Arthur
Taylor, George
Taylor, George Wendell
Thacker, Harold Douglas
Thomas, Charles William
Thompson, James "Jim"
Thompson, Walter Haddington
Thomson, James
Tope / Toupe, Blair
Tullock (Tulloch), Harry Valentine
Twamley, Charles Wilbert
Twamley, George Aylmer
VanWyck, Walter
Walden, Harold William
Walden, Wilbert Green
Walker, Gordon Clare
Walker, Harry James
Webster, Richard Nelson
Wharton, John Freeman
Whitby, Joseph
Willis, Thomas George
Worthy, William Delmer
Wright, Albert
Wright, William Jacob
Wurr, Robert Jr.
Wurr, Robert Sr.
Zinn, John Harry