Canadian Army Medical Corps

1914-1918 and 1939-1945 (Royal C.M.A.C.)

The Canadian Army Medical Corps (CAMC) was founded in 1904 as the Permanent Active Militia Army Medical Corps.  In 1909, it was redesignated as the Canadian Army Medical Corps.  Near the end of the First World War, on November 3, 1919, it was redesignated as The Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.  It was known by that name throughout the Second World War.

The Corps expanded greatly during the First World War.  21,453 men and women served with the CAMC during that time.  1,325 were casualties due to service close to the front. The corps provided field ambulances, a casualty clearing station and sanitary sections for the Canadian Corps in France, as well as Canadian general and stationary hospitals in the UK and on the continent.

During the Second World War, field ambulance units, surgical teams and hospitals and convalescent depots were established around the world.

For information about the War Diaries of the Canadian Army Medical Corps, visit the Library and Archives Canada site: LAC Archives Search – Canadian Medical Corps.

Sources:  “The Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps., accessed May 28, 2020.

Canadian War Museum.  “Canadian Army Medical Corps”  Accessed May 28, 2020.


Atkinson, Hugh
Bannerman, Mary Sophia
Bell, Charles Garland
Bell, Dorothy
Benninger, Francis George
Birrell, Russell George
Blackwell, Almira (Myra) Jane
Brighty, Helen
Carson, William Henry ‘Harry’
Case, Rachel Mary
Cassidy, Clarence Albert
Cheshire, John Robertson
Chilcott, Vera (McCannel)
Clark, Francis "Frank" Daniel
Clarke, C.B.E., John Thomas
Cottrill, Charles Gordon
Cruickshank, Alexander
Cryderman, Ethel Mildred
Cumming, Leslie Shepherd
Cuneo, Anthony Conrad
Dryden, Mary
Edmiston, George Henry
Eidt, Vera Beatrice
Elliott, John Erwin
Ferguson, Annie Mae
Finlayson, Donald Roderick
Fletcher, Mary Elizabeth
Fortune, Martha Alice
Fraser, James Eadie
Fraser, James Johnston
Fraser, Luella Blanche (Lee)
Gallagher, Patricia
Gilchrist, Maria Sutherland
Girvin, David Carl
Girvin, John Scott
Graham, Marshall Bowles Emmerson
Grainger, Emma Edith
Grierson, Mary Elizabeth
Gutscher, Jerome Henry
Halliday, Dr. Armond Allan
Hambley, Eva May
Hansen, Helen Elizabeth
Hauch, Cuyler Yosuski
Hauch, Paul Philip
Hay, Henry Robert
Helliwell, Maurice Round
Heringer, Wilfred Joseph
Hetherington, John
Heughan, Marion
Hough, Arthur Hamilton
Hundt, Alexander J.
Irwin, David James
Kain, Melville John
Kerr, John Robert
King, Charlotte Annette
Lawson, Alexander Smirle
Lee, Douglas "Tim"
Locking, James Llewelyn
Lough, Hubert Oberlin
MacDiarmid, Marion Isabel
MacDougall, Charles Spurgeon
MacIntyre, Agnes Evelyn
Macintyre, Horace Roy
Mackenzie, Alexander John
MacKenzie, William James
MacKinnon, Elizabeth
MacLachlan, Edna Thompson
MacLeod, Agnes Jean
MacTavish, Frederick George
Martyn, Ross Howard
Matheson, Murdock Ross
McCue, Peter Francis, Dr.
McDonald, Clarence
McDougall, Angus Thornburn
McFarlane, Walterena
McGilvery, Percy Herbert
McIntyre, John
McLeod, Elizabeth Nora Campbell
McLeod, John George
Miller, Cecil Orr
Morrow, James William
Neilly, Elmer Lloyd
Noble, Ernest Ivan Albern
Paulin, Stanley
Percy, Earl
Pfohl, Florence Caroline
Pollock, Mary Ethel
Racine, Edgar Lionel
Reid, John Aylmer
Rennie, Elizabeth May
Robb, Edgar John
Robertson, Henry Lawrence
Ross, Jessie Macaulay
Russell, John Findlay
Schaab, Esther Leona
Schedler, William Edward
Scott, David Emerson
Scott, William Henry
Seip, Orville Samuel
Shannon, Percival (Percy) Roy
Skilling, Harold Roy
Smart, Sam Sr.
Stanley, Howard Preston
Stauch/Stowe, Mabel
Stewart, Elizabeth McGill
Stewart, John Malcolm
Stroud, William John
Switzer, Dorothy
Symondson, Elizabeth (Eliza) Matilda (Melvin)
Teschke, Harry Arthur
Thirsk, Margaret Isabelle
Thompson, William Wallace
Tucker, Robert James
Veitch, Ambert Hastie
Walker, Elizabeth Tillie
Weaver, Eugene Gerard
Welfley, Frederick Henry
White, Anson Ambrose
White, Joseph Russel
Wilson, Jessie Saunders
Wismer, Jack