71st Battalion

1914 – 1918

The 71st Battalion was authorized on April 1, 1916 and embarked for Great Britain on the same day. It provided reinforcements to the Canadian Corps in the field until September 30, 1916, when its personnel were absorbed by the 44th, 54th, and 74th Battalions. The battalion disbanded April 11, 1918.

For information about the War Diaries of the 71st Battalion, visit the Library and Archives Canada site: Archives Search 71st Canadian Infantry Battalion.


Anderson, Louis
Beitz, Roy Joseph
Bennett, John "Jack" Edward
Billings, Walter
Bowling, Robert Charles
Boyle, Frank Stewart
Burgess, Easton Gordon
Burke, John Jr.
Cairns, Norman Orville
Clitheroe, Walter
Cunningham, Chester Archie
Cunningham, George
Damm, Clarence A.
Damm, John William
Davison, Wilfred Moran
Dixon, Elliott Rupert
Eidt, Edward Gerald
Eiler, Lorne St. Clair
Farrell, Joseph Andrew
Fear, Thornton Douglas
Fletcher, George Albert
Fry, Herbert
Geddes, John Rowand
Gregg, James Elmer
Grover, George Edward
Hagenbach (a.k.a. Holingbeck and Hagerback), Wilfred
Harrison, Harold Bert
Heberle, John Henry Stephen
Henderson, Herbert Earl
Hopkins, Charles Henry "Harry"
Hopkins, Charles Henry Jr.
Hughes, George
Hughes, John Evans
Hughes, Thomas Victor
Jackson, John Stenson
Johnson / Johnston, Hilton John William
Johnson / Johnston, Thomas Percy
Krueger, Clarence R. J.
Lake, Wilfred Laurier
Liddle, Rees Thomas
Lochead, Robert Anderson
Loughleen, Wellington "Wellie"
Lovett, Walter Ernest
Lynch, John William
MacDonald, William John
McAulay, Patrick
McMullen, Robert John "Jack" Jr.
McNall, William George
McNeel, Ralph E.
Moore, William Percy
Neilly, Elmer Lloyd
Newman, Arthur
Oberle, Roy "Butch" Alexander
Peircey, Charles George
Reburn, Samuel James
Reid, Adam Ernest
Rivers, Bertram A.
Rolston, Karl Edward
Ross, Glenn Harold
Russell, Adam Leith
Russell, Wendell Ramsay
Sawyer, Frank Adolphus
Sloan, Archibald McNeill
Sorrell, Louis Francis
Sparling, Edgar Vincent
Waugh, Adrian/Adron
Wettlaufer, Harry
Wilson, Thomas Melville
Wilton, Alvin Edward
Yack, Wilfred Laurier