160th Battalion
On December 2, 1915, Lt. Col. Adam Weir, former commander of the 32nd Bruce Regiment, was instructed to form a battalion made up entirely of Bruce County citizens. Based in Walkerton, Ontario, the unit began recruiting in late 1915. Four companies were mobilized:
- “A” Company from Walkerton, Cargill, Paisley, Port Elgin and Southampton;
- “B” Company from Chesley, Tara, Hepworth and Teeswater;
- “C” Company from Wiarton, Lion’s Head, Tobermory, Cape Chin and the First Nations;
- “D” Company from Kincardine, Lucknow, Ripley and Tiverton.
The Military Band was mobilized mostly of men from the Chesley Citizen’s Band. Men from each of the districts were relied upon to encourage others to join and recruitment rallies were held across the County.
By the beginning of May, over 1,200 of Bruce County’s men were on their way to Walkerton for a month of training. From there, they marched to Chesley on June 4, 1916 where Tara native, Premier William Howard Hearst presented the Battalion’s colours. The Chesley Enterprise reported June 8 1916, “The Premier’s speech at the presentation of the colors was a forceful one. He referred to the boys of the Battalion being the worthy sons of pioneer fathers… It was with a glow of pride that he instanced the fact that the Bruce Battalion had been formed more rapidly than any other rural Battalion in Ontario.”
The Battalion moved to London, Ontario for training in the summer of 1916. They sailed to England in October 1916 for another year of training, before the men began heading to the front lines in France as members of various other battalions. On February 15, 1918, the 160th Battalion was absorbed into the 4th Reserve Battalion and on February 15, 1918.
For more photographs and information about the 160th Battalion, visit Bruce County Museum’s Online Collections Site: 160th Battalion, Bruce County Museum Online Collections.
For information about the War Diaries of the 160th Battalion, visit the Library and Archives Canada site: Archives Search 160th Canadian Infantry Battalion.
Click here to view a letter from the 160th Battalion Chaplain, published in the Paisley Advocate, January 30, 1918, page 5.
Presentation of 160th Battalion Colours
Abell, Alfred Avery
Abram, William Irwin
Acret, Wilfred Maitland
Adair, Charles Asfeldt
Agnew, George
Agnew, James
Agnew, Thomas David
Ahkewenzie / Ahkiwenzie / Akiwenzie, Leslie
Ahmed, Albert Edward
Aiken, Harvey Hilliard
Aiken, John Ephrim / Ephraim
Aiken, Milton John
Akiwenzie, Andrew Joseph
Akiwenzie, Charles
Akiwenzie, Edward
Akiwenzie, John
Akiwenzie, Peter
Akiwenzie, Resime
Akiwenzie, William
Alderson, Claude Robert
Alexander, Earl Thomas
Alexander, Joseph Henry
Allen, Frederick Thomas
Ambrose, Norman Aleck
Amey, James Wesley
Ammann, Joseph Carl
Anaquot, Jerry Elijah
Anderson, Edward Creswell
Anderson, Fred
Anderson, Henry Bielbie
Anderson, James Porter
Anderson, Oscar Clyde
Anstead, William Austin
Ard, William Craige
Armstrong, Wilfred William
Arnold, John "Jack"
Arnold, Morgan
Ash, James George
Ashkewe, Ephriam
Atchison, Russell Aubrey
Atkinson, Ralph Edgerton
Atkinson, Roy Campbell
Augustinus, Adrianus Cornelius Johannes
Austin, Robert
Avis, Lorne Garnet
Babcock, Samuel Amos
Bacon, Robert Francis
Bailey, William Edward
Bain, Andrew Sutherland
Baird, Frank Henry
Baird, Patrick
Baker , James Daniel
Baldwin, Egerton Ryerson
Baldwin, Herbert
Ball, Louis Stevens
Bannerman, Andrew
Bannerman, William Ernest
Bannister, Frederick
Barber, William Walter
Barbour, John L.
Barkley, John Henry
Barnes, Percy Arthur
Barrie, Ernest George
Bartley, Charles Henry
Bartman, Garnet George
Bates, Robert
Battle, Frederick
Battle, George Thomas
Bauman, Leo Urban
Beamish, Crandall Thomas
Beamish, David Earle
Beaton, John ("Jack")
Beattie, Louis Earle
Beatty, Russell Glenn
Beatty, Wilbert
Becker, John Herman
Begg, Earl Gilcrest
Bell, Bertram Reginald
Bell, Cecil William
Bell, Clifford William
Bell, Duncan
Bell, Gordon McBride
Bell, Henry Harold
Bell, Joseph Wellington
Bell, Norman Percy
Bell, Norval Delbert
Bell, Reuben Lawrence
Bell, William John
Bell, Wilton Adam
Belrose, George Wesley
Belrose, Howard Alvin
Bennett, Albert Victor
Bennett, Frederick James
Bennett, George Harold
Benson, William Robert
Beresford, Edward Ambrose
Besito, David Alexander
Besito, Elias
Besito, John
Besito, Joseph James
Bevis, Roy
Biebighauser, Benjamin Bernhardt
Bierworth, John Henry
Black, Donald Alexander "Daniel"
Black, Melville "Mike" Gourley
Blackman, Frederick
Blackwell, Frederick Gamond
Blackwood, Samuel David
Blake, George Ernest
Blake, James Herbert
Blue, George James
Bluhm, George Albert
Bluhm, William Alexander
Bogues, Gordon William
Bolden, Harry Edwin
Bolton, Lambert
Bowie, Barnes
Boyle, Ernest
Boyle, Howard
Boyle, William Henry "Harry"
Brady, Herbert David
Brady, Thomas Webster
Brain, George
Bray, John Wesley
Breckow, Howard August
Bridge, Herbert
Bridge, Wesley Allan
Britton, Albert Edward
Brogan, Michael Francis
Brooks, George Albert
Brough, James Edwin
Brown, Bernard Lionel (“Bunny”)
Brown, George John
Brown, Henry (Harry) ("Buster")
Brown, John Duncan
Brown, Matthew
Brown, Roland Hooper
Brownscombe, William Henry
Bruce, Moses
Bruegemann, Truman Glenn
Brunton, Linton Leonard
Brunton, Maurice Vivian
Buchanan, Robert Donald
Buchoven, Johannes Jacobus "John"
Buckingham, Victor Leslie
Buckley, Richard Earl
Buckley, Walter Harvey
Buckton, Garfield
Bulger, Thomas Charles
Burgess, Earl Edward
Burley, William David
Burns, James
Burnside, Robert
Burrows, Arthur William
Burrows, George Francis
Butchart, Daniel Alexander
Butchart, Ivan
Butchart, Lorne William
Butler, Alexander
Byers, Matthew Albert
Caldwell, William Henry
Callahan, John Edgar
Callahan, Samuel
Cameron, Archie James
Cameron, Donald William
Cameron, Ewart Dryden (Texas)
Cameron, James
Cameron, Joseph
Cameron, Percy Wilfred
Cameron, Peter Edwin
Cameron, Ronald Earl "Rae/Ray"
Camp, George William
Campbell, Alexander Collin
Campbell, Clifford John
Campbell, Colan Alexander
Campbell, Douglas Anstey
Campbell, Duncan "Earl"
Campbell, Edgar Allan
Campbell, John
Campbell, John Ritchie
Campbell, Malcolm Hugh
Campbell, William George
Cann, William George
Carleton, Earl Neil
Carnegie, Donald Hugh
Carrick, Robert Young
Carson, John Edward
Carson, William James
Carstairs, Graham Stewart
Carter, James
Carter, Wilfred
Case, Andrew Howard
Casemore, William Roy
Cass, John Carlyle
Caswill, Walter
Chadwick, Henry ("Harry") McLean
Channing, John Richard
Chapman, Edward
Chapman, William
Chegahno, Elias
Chegahno, Levi
Chesney, Joseph Henry
Chisholm, Harry
Christie, Oliver
Clancy, John Joseph
Clark, Edward Ross
Clark, George Melvin
Clark, John Riddle
Clark, Malcolm
Clazie, Edward William
Clazie, John "Jack"
Cleave, David Gladstone
Cliff, Louis Marshall
Clifford, Joseph
Clifford, Samuel Weston
Clifton, James Jasper
Clifton, Louis
Clinton, James Hamilton
Clinton, Norman Herbert
Cluley, Francis Frederick
Cocklin, Daniel
Coffey, Edward Isaac
Coffey, Frederick Samuel
Cole, Bert Edward
Cole, Dawson Albert
Cole, Peter Henderson
Collard, Reuben L.
Collins, Alfred
Collins, Warren Arthur
Colvin, David George
Colwell, Ralph James
Connell, Thomas Gordon
Conway, Albert Victor
Cook, Luman Hulbert
Cook, Robert Francis
Cooper, James Martin
Cotton, Harry James
Couper, John
Court, William Richard
Cousins, Almer Harold
Cox, David
Cox, John Percival
Craig, George Buchanan
Craigie, John Albert
Crane, Richard George
Crawford, David Russell
Crawford, George
Cronin, James Albert
Cronin, Timothy David
Crosswell, Charles Henry
Crowe, John Alexander
Crowhurst, Stephen
Culbert, Charles Meldrum
Culbert, Gordon Stanley
Culliton, Rene Howard
Cunningham, William
Cupskey, August
Currie, John David
Currie, Willard James
Currie, William Thomas
Curtis, Courtland
Dalgarno, Arthur
Daly, Cecil John
Danard, Havelock
Daniel, James Orwell
Davidson, Earl Ernest
Davis, Edwin George
Davis, Frederick
Davis, James
Dawkins, Albin
Daws, Francis Edward
Dennet, Thomas James
Dennett, Arthur
Denny (a.k.a. Dennie), Adam
Denny (a.k.a. Dennie) , Philip
Desjardins, Peter Charles
Devine, William John
Dickinson, Charles George Gordon
Dieter, John George
Disch, David George
Diss, Edward Charles
Dobbs, William Joseph
Dobson, Earl Alvin
Dobson, Edmund
Dobson, Frank
Dobson, John
Dobson, Robert William
Dobson, William Matthew
Donahue, Melville Anderson
Donaldson, William
Donaldson, William Charles
Donhou, Charles John
Draper, James
Drennan, William Elwood
Driffill, Charles Edgar
Duke, Albert Frederick
Duke, Thomas Valentine
Dunlop, Hugh Carfrae
Dunn, Harold Francis
Dymer, George Henry
Dymott, Arthur Charles
Eagles (Sr.), William
Eason, Irwin
Eckensweiller, John Joseph
Eckensweiller, Joseph Henry
Ede, George Thomas
Edgar, Frank Stanley
Edwards, William John
Eidt, Walter Harold
Elder, James
Eldridge, Herbert "Skin" Alfred
Eldridge, William John
Ellinghausen, Walter David
Elliot, Wilfred Laurier
Elliott, Abraham
Elliott, Daniel Alexander
Elliott, Duncan
Elliott, John Erwin
Elliott, Joseph Frank
Elliott, Wellington
Ellison, Henry John
English, Bertie George
Ernest, Edward Frank
Ernewein, Norman Alvin
Everitt, John Thomas
Evers, Albert Henry
Eyre, Franklin Henry
Fairbairn, Thomas Gordon
Farmer, Thomas
Farquharson, Norman William
Fenner, George Albert
Fenton, Clarence
Fenton, William Henry
Ferguson, Archibald ("Archie") Earl
Ferguson, Daniel Arthur
Ferguson, John ("Jack") Emmanuel
Ferrell, James Alfred
Ferrell, Thomas Leslie
Ferris, Thomas Roy
Fidler, Albert
Field, Edgar Austin
Finch, James Joseph
Finlayson, David Stewart
Finlayson, John Stanley
Fisher, Robert
Fitter, Archibald
Fitzhenry, George John
Flewelling, George
Forbes, Richard Frederick
Forrester, James Caulder
Forsyth, Thomas Edwin
Foster, Logie
Foster, Thomas Richard
Fowler, Frank
Fraser, Hector Alexander ("Jack")
Fraser, William Edward
Fries, Edgar
Galbraith, Thomas
Galbraith, William Frederick
Gallagher, Robert John
Gallaugher, Norman Joseph
Garland, Elmer Anson
Garland, Gordon Crawford
Garner, John Stewart
Gateman, Otto Christopher
Gaunt, Beth Mellow
George, James Frederick
George, Walter Mervin
Germon, John George
Gibbons, Leonard Garfield
Gibson, Sinclair
Gilbert, Basil Elijah
Gilbert, Charles Morris
Gilbert, Henry Victor
Gilbert, Sydney
Gillard, Arthur
Gillen, John Thomas
Gillen, William Leo
Gillespie, Charles Lloyd
Gillies, Donald Albert
Gillies, Murdock Lawrence ‘Maido’
Gillies, William
Given, James Allen
Given, Robert John
Glave, Ralph Brunt
Golden, Charles Richard
Golden, Thomas Albert (Bert)
Good, John
Graham, Christopher James
Graham, Donald
Graham, Marshall Bowles Emmerson
Graham, Roderick
Grainger, Walter Alonzo
Grainger, William
Grant, George Louis
Grant, James Albert
Gray, Alexander Angus
Gray, Andrew
Gray, John Andrew
Gray, John McKenzie
Gray, Robert John
Greathead, William
Green, Alvin Albert
Greenslade, William Thomas
Greenwood, Walter
Greig, Alexander James
Greig, Harvey Gibson
Greygoose, Alfred George
Groves, Albert William
Gulliver, Reginald Edward
Gunnis, Victor Nelson
Hackett, George Arthur Henry
Hackett, Percival
Hafermehl / Hafermahl, William Henry
Hahn, Morgan
Hahn, William Sylvester
Haig, Allister Park
Hall, Albert
Hall, Ernest Raymond
Hall, James Cameron
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, James
Hamilton, John Charles
Hammond, William Harold
Hammond, William Wyatt
Hampton, Walter John
Hanna, Robert Nelson
Hanson, Herbert
Harcourt, Harold Chapman
Harmon, William Milton
Harper, Earl William Henry
Harrington, Leonard Garfield
Harris, John Earl
Harris, William
Hassall, George Thomas
Hassall, Joseph
Hastings, Andrew
Hastings, James Arthur
Hastings, John Albert
Hastings, Thomas Albert
Hatt, Wilfred "Bill"
Haug, James Westley (a.k.a. James Wesley)
Hawke, Erastus "James"
Hawke, Stuart
Hay, Harold Edmund
Hayes, Alfred Nathaniel
Hayes, Samuel John
Haynes, John
Heath, Ernest Albert
Heath, Percival ("Percy")
Heathers, John James
Heffernan, James Joseph
Heinbecker, August
Helwig, George
Henderson, Clarence Robert
Henderson, David Gordon
Henderson, James
Henderson, Robert John
Henderson, Roy
Hendry, John William "Jack"
Hendry, Lovat James
Hendry, William John
Henry, Alexander Bruce
Henry, Daniel
Henry, Earl Irvine
Henry, Joseph
Hepburn, Andrew
Hepburn, Charles
Hepburn, George David
Hepburn, Herbert
Hepburn, Samuel James
Heppenstall, Roy Everal
Herd, Frederick Thomas
Herringer, Edgar Joseph
Herron, John Christopher Hutcheson
Heughan, Arthur Edwin
Hewitt, Robert John
Hewton, Herbert John
Hibben, Robert Edward
Hickling, Henry Stephen
Hilditch, John George "Jack"
Hilditch, William Robert
Hill, Ambrose Martin
Hill, Jacob Bruce
Hill, Thomas Alexander
Hilton, Arthur
Hilts, Joseph Abner
Hine, Percy William
Hoch, Thomas John
Hodge, Joseph Arthur
Hodge, Richard
Hodgson, Herbert William
Hogg, David Gordon
Holdsworth, Frank
Holler, Roy Daniel
Holloway, Albert
Holmes, John
Hooey, Clarence Henry
Hooey, Sidney Edward
Hoover, Norman Elmer
Hopkins, Clifford Allen "Barney"
Hopkins, Gilbert
Hopkins, Henry Robert "Martin"
Hopkins, James Whitmore
Hopkins, Thomas Andrew
Hopkins, William Robert
Houston, William John
Howe, John Amer
Hudson, John Wesley
Huffman, John Harvey
Hughes, Allister
Hughes, William Thomas
Hunt, "Tabby"
Hunt, Alfred Longley
Hunt, Bernard Leo
Hunt, William George
Hunter, Ernest
Hunter, Robert Meredith
Hunter, Russell Gordon
Hurlock, Charles William
Husband, Harry Charles
Huston, William Irwin
Hutchison, John
Hutchison, John Sherwood
Hutton, William Russell
Hyndman, Matthew William
Hyndman, Thomas Rupert
Inkster, John Herbert
Ireton, Samuel
Irwin, St. Clair
Jack, Henry ("Harry")
Jack, William
Jackson, Edward Ray
Jackson, William E.
Jacques, William Henry
James, Charles Henry
James, Frederick Benjamin
James, Frederick Treve
James, Jessie
James, Joseph
Jamieson, John McMillan
Jarrell, John Lawrence
Jarrell, William Henry
Jenkins, Aaron Percival
Jennings, Herbert
Jermyn, Garnet Wallace
Jewell, Frederick Earl
Jewell, Richard Thomas
Jewitt, William Albert
John, Charles
John, William Savage
Johns, Earl Hilton
Johnson, Albert
Johnson, Frank Solomon
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, Walter
Johnston, Alexander Murray
Johnston, Archie Duncan
Johnston, Charles Albert
Johnston, Noble Allan
Johnston, Oliver
Johnston, Peter ‘Lennox’
Johnston, Thomas
Johnston, William Nathaniel
Jones, Arthur Amos
Jones, George Daniel
Jones, John Chichock
Joshua, Arthur Henry
Kabashkung, Lazarus
Kahgee, Amos
Kahgee, John
Kalbfleisch, George Ernest
Kalbfleisch, Thomas Conrad
Kaufman, Norman Emerson
Kean, Clare
Kearns, Russell George
Keeshig, Bernard Reuben (Barney)
Keeshig, Gregor Alexander
Keeshig, John Wesley
Keeshig, Sylvester Francis
Keith, William George
Kemp, George
Kempson, Clifford Henry
Kennedy, Alexander
Kennedy, Alexander Dunlop
Kennedy, Alexander William
Kennedy, David George
Kennedy, William
Kewaquom / Kewaquam, Christopher
Kewaquom / Kewoquom, Albert
Kidd, William Elijah
Kilgour, David Andrew
Kincaid, Robert James
King, George Arthur
King, Robert Hector
King, Sylvester
King, Thomas Richard
Kirvan, Frederick Sylvester
Kitchen, John
Kloepfer, Gregory
Knepflar, Courtney Stapleton
Knight, Walter Roy
Koepke, Gordon Royal
Kolb, William Hugh
Kramer / Kraemer, Albert William
Kreutzweiser, William Allen
Krug, Harry Braun
Kupnycki, John
Kyte, Edward Thomas
Lake, Samuel
Lamb, Thomas Gordon
Lamont, Bert
Lamont, Donald McTavish
Lamont, George Henry
Lamorandiere, Wilfred Adolph
Langley, Walter Frederick
Laport, William
Lavalley, Burlyn Eli
Lavalley, Frederick William
Lavalley, Peter
Lavalley (Lavallee), Michael
Lavis, James
Lawrence, James Nathaniel
Lawrence, John Benjamin
Leake, Samuel
Lee, George
Lee, Joseph
Lee, William James
Legge, Joseph Howard
Legge, Robert Reginald "Reg"
Lemcke, William Henry Elgin
Lesage, Harry
Lewis, Albert Walter
Lidster, George Alvin
Linge, Arthur
Little, James Clow
Livingston, George Taylor
Loney, Daniel Russel
Loney, Hiram Fauntleroy ‘Roy’
Long, Harry Melville
Longe, John Alexander
Longmire, George Christopher
Lord, Joseph William
Loucks, Alexander
Love, Samuel Robert
Lowndes, Ernest
Lumley, John Thomas
Lumley, Oswald Peter / Joseph
Lunday, Charles Alexander
Lustig, Roy Elgin
MacArthur, George Duncan
MacArtney, Leonard Lorne
MacAuley, Angus Archie
MacDonald, Donald J.
MacDonald, George Ryerson
MacDonald, James Cameron
MacDonald, Thomas Archibald
MacGregor, Donald Gregor
MacGregor, Howard Gladstone
MacGregor, John Alexander "Jack"
MacInnes, John Beaton
MacInnes, Roderick
MacKenzie, William
MacKinnon, John Hugh
MacKinnon, Malcolm
Macklem, Frank Alexander
MacLean, Albert Wellington
MacLennan, Neil
Madwayosh, Henry Wellington
Maher, George
Mallard, William James
Mallow, Menno W.
Maloney, Christopher
Marsh, George Henry
Marsh, James Edward
Marshall, Albert Wesley
Marshall, George Victor
Marshall, Harold Edwin
Marshall, John
Martin, Edward Wilson
Martin, James Welsford
Martin, John
Martin, John Alexander
Martin, Peter
Martin, Robert James
Matheson, Angus Donald
Matheson, Archibald
Matheson, David "Clark"
Matheson, Kenneth Alexander
Mawhinney/Mewhinney, Robert
Maxwell, Roy Alexander
McAfee, Edgar Joseph
McArthur, Angus Archie
McArthur, Angus Donald
McArthur, Angus Fletcher
McArthur, Charles Henry
McArthur, Christle
McArthur, Colin James Albert
McArthur, Daniel
McArthur, Harvey Jacob
McArthur, Hugh Stanley
McBurney, Harry Alexander
McCallum, Dugald David
McCallum, John Archibald
McCannell, Alexander Neil
McCarter, Gordon Milton
McCartney, Thomas Alexander
McCaw, George James Ernest
McCaw, Thomas
McCaw, William Stewart
McClure, Malcolm Hector ("Bert")
McCombe, Alexander Torrence
McConnell, William Nelson
McCormack, William
McCreath, David Oswald
McCreight, Francis
McCulloch, George Daniel
McCulloch, John Edward
McCullough, James Lloyd
McCurdy, William Henry
McDermid, Neil
McDonald, David
McDonald, Donald
McDonald, Donald Paul "Scobie Dan"
McDonald, George Ernest
McDonald, James Hunter
McDonald, John
McDonald, John Alexander
McDonald, John Cecil
McDonald, Murdock Norman
McDonald, Neil
McDonald, Norman
McDonald, Norman John
McDonald, Robert Edward
McDonald, Stewart
McDonald, William Malcolm
McDougald, Duncan I.
McDougald, Ernest Neil
McDougall, Arthur
McDougall, Donald Archibald
McDougall, Duncan Ross
McDougall, George Lloyd
McDougall, Harry Earl
McDuff, Ted
McEachern, John Ernest
McEachern, Rubing
McEachern, Wesley
McEachern, William
McElrea, Herbert Samuel
McFadden, Robert Russell
McFadyen, Martin Charles
McFarlane, Robert Wilfrid
McFarlane, William Earl
McGillivary, James
McGillivray, Clark Alexander
McGillivray, Donald Duncan
McGillivray, James
McGillivray, Murray Alexander
McGillivray, Peter Hugh
McGregor, Donald
McGregor, Rob Roy / Robroy
McGregor, Russell Bruce
McGregor, Thomas
McHaney, Harold Samuel
McIntosh, Alexander Donald
McIntyre, Angus
McIntyre, Dougal
McIver, Angus
McIver, Richard "Dick" C.
McIvor, Angus
McKay, Alexander Allen
McKay, John Douglas
McKay, Robert Andrew
McKay, Robert Ernest
McKay, Walter Scott
McKay, Wilfred Laurier
McKay, William Wallace
McKechnie, Victor Alexander
McKeeman, Clyde William
McKendrick, John Donald
McKenzie, John Vernon
McKenzie, Samuel
McKenzie, Walter Beaton
McKenzie, William Angus
McKeogh, William
McKerracher, Duncan George
McKillop, Malcolm Archibald
McKinnon, James
McKinnon, Peter
McLaggan, Peter Elliott
McLaren, Stewart Alexander
McLay, Angus
McLay, Charles
McLay, John
McLay, John Allan
McLay, Murdock
McLean, Harvey Caldwell
McLean, Malcolm
McLennan (MacLennan), Torrance
McLeod, Angus
McLeod, Archibald
McLeod, Archibald Ross ("Archie")
McLeod, Charles Norman
McLeod, Duncan Donald
McLeod, Gordon
McLeod, John Malcolm Sr.
McLeod, Malcolm
McLeod, Peter
McLeod, Roy
McLeod, Wilbert
McMinn, Robert
McMullen, Stanley Edward
McMullen, William Henry
McNab, Michael John
McNally, Arthur Watson
McNally, Gordon Flett
McNally, Wilbert Angus
McNamara, Robert Clarence
McNaughton, Hugh David
McNeill, Donald
McNeill, Malcolm M.
McNeill, Neil Alexander
McPhail, John
McPhatter, Archie Murray
McPherson / Macpherson, Stuart
McRae, James Alexander
McRae, William Hugh Roy
McTavish, Alexander Fergusson
McVannell, Earl
McVeety, John Wallace "Jack"
McWhinney, Clayton Edgar
Merchant, Robert Jacob
Mewhinney, William Arol
Middleton, Cecil Stanley
Miller, Arthur John
Miller, Harold
Miller, James
Miller, John Duncan
Mills, John Richard
Mills, Richard Hugh
Mills, Samuel Lorne
Mink, George Frederick
Mitchell, Clarence Oliver
Mitchell, David
Mitchell, Elias
Mitchell, Solomon
Mitchell, Wellington
Mitchell, William John
Moffat, Andrew McLean
Molloy, John Lucas
Monkman, Albert
Moore, Colin
Moore, George William
Moore, Melvin
Moore, Thomas Roy
Moore, Thomas Wesley
Moore, William George
Moore, William Jordon
Morgan, William Richard
Morley, Joseph
Morley, William Douglas Eaves
Morlock, John Edward
Morrison, Wesley
Mowat, Herbert Angus
Murray, George Francis
Murray, Neil
Murray, Patrick James
Murray, Peter Alphonsus
Myles, Samuel Robert
Nadjiwon, Paul
Nadjiwon, Peter Christopher
Nairn, Ivan Alexander
Nashkawa, David
Nashkewa (Naskawa), Edward
Nawash, Alfred Longley
Nawash, Daniel
Nawash, David
Nawash, George
Neale, Arthur John
Nebbeling, Anthony Wilhelmus
Nelson, George
Nelson, James Edgar
Nelson, William "Erwin"
Nelson, William Robert
Newby, Baden Powell
Nicholls, John Wilfred Harper
Nicholson, Daniel Nelson
Nicholson, Mark
Nickel, Allan Victor
Nickel, Clarence John
Nimmo, Thomas John
Nixon, Joseph Thomas
Norman, Angus
Norman, Edward
Norris, Isaac Garner
Northcott, James
Nunn, Joseph
Nuttall, Robert Scott
O"Neil / ONeil, John Hewitt
Oberle, Ralph George
Ogden, James
Ogden, Wilfred George
Ogden, William
Olheiser, Walter Linus
Oliver, Herbert
Oliver, James Charles
Onslow, Langley Godfrey
Osborne, Robert
Osborne, William Henry
Oswell, Henry Arthur
Ottewell, Samuel Wilfred
Palmer, Thomas Earl
Park, Melville
Parker, Charles Hammond
Parker, Christopher
Parker, Henry Alfred
Parker, Horace
Parker, Hugh John McDonald
Parker, William James
Parr, Albert Edgar
Parr, Arthur Howard
Parrott, Albert Edward
Paterson, Archie
Paterson, Harold Valentine
Paterson, James
Paterson, William John ("Billy")
Patten, Roy Maus
Patterson, James Warren
Patton, James Daniel Leslie
Peach, Charles
Peakall, Stanley William
Pedoniquot (Pedoniquotte), Wellington
Pedoniquotte, Charles
Pedonquot, Adam
Pedonquot, Joseph
Pegelo, Norman John
Peircey, Ernest William
Perdue, Rev. Richard
Perry, Daniel
Petonquood, Jacob
Petonquot, Paul
Petonquot, Thomas
Petonquot (Pedonquot), Paul
Petteplace, Vincent Neil William
Petteplace, William Orald
Petter, Henry "Harry"
Pettigrew, Ernest "Paddy"
Pettitt, Frederick
Phillips, Charles George
Phillips, George
Phillips, Vernon Abraham
Pilkington, William
Pinkerton, Gordon Leigh
Pinkney, Stewart Franklin
Piper (Pieper), Frederick George
Plante, Charles Earl
Plante, John James
Plante, Lewis Henry
Plaunt, Alexander
Plowright, John Edward
Plowright, Sidney Oscar
Poole, Neil Johnston
Pooley, Ernest George
Poore, Earnest Edward
Porter, Albert Gerald
Portice, Richard James
Portice, William John
Portier, Victor
Pound, John Alfred
Powell, William Nicholson
Preston, Albert
Primmer, Charles Halcome
Primmer, Harry Emerson
Prince, William
Pringle, George Alfred
Pritchard, William James
Prosser, Carleton Decker
Proud, Melville Douglas
Proud, Robert Harvey
Proulx, Daniel
Proulx, Joseph
Proulx, Stephen
Pruder, Henry "Harry"
Pudden, Herbert Henry
Purser, John Frederick
Pyrke, Sydney
Rathwell, W.W.
Rawn, William Washington
Reddon, Garfield
Reed, Charles Arthur
Reid, Ernest John
Reid, Homer
Reid, Samuel Lorne
Reid, Wesley Gladstone
Reinhardt / Reinhart, Anthony Sylvester
Reinhart, Thomas Joseph
Rennie, Joseph Hamilton
Renshaw, Pearl Ackerman
Reynolds, Daniel Charles
Ribey, Nelson John
Richards, Charles Thomas
Richardson, Herbert
Richenback (Reichenback), Joseph A.
Riebel, Albert Edwin
Riggin, Herbert "Bert" Keith
Rising, Frank
Rising, Robert
Ritchie, Albert Carrick
Ritchie, Francis
Ritchie, James
Ritchie, Louis
Ritchie, Peter
Roberts, Albert Charles
Roberts, George Henry
Roberts, Herbert James
Roberts, Joseph Henry
Robertson, Stewart Mills
Robinson, Andrew Ernest
Robinson, Cleveland
Robinson, Edward Leonard
Robinson, John Alexander ("Sandy")
Robinson, Peter
Robinson, Robert Henry
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, William John
Robinson, William Thomas
Rolston, John
Romminger, John
Root, Joe (Joseph)
Root (Roote), Alexander
Ross, David Gordon
Roulston, Percy John
Rourke, Clayton Lawson
Rouse, Archibald Ferguson
Rouse, Daniel
Rowan, George Nelson
Rowan, Harold Robert
Rowe, Robert Howard
Rowe, Thomas Nelson
Rowland, Robert Clark
Rowney, George Percy
Ruhl, William Alfred
Rundle, Francis William Humphrey
Runstadtler, Victor George
Rushton, James Edgar
Ryan, Thomas Joseph
Saleman, James Henry
Salmon, Charles Albert
Sanford, David
Saunders, Angus Graham
Scales, Ewart Gordon
Scales, Robert John
Schaub, Frank
Schmidt, John George
Schmidt, Simon Wesley
Schnittker, Frederick Christopher
Schnurr, Andrew Joseph
Schnurr, George Joseph
Schultheis, Anthony Charles
Schultheis, Clarence Richard
Scott, Benjamin Walter
Scott, Cecil Edgar
Scott, Clifford Brown
Scott, George Pinkerton
Scott, Gordon Cleave
Scott, James Henry
Scott, Peter
Scott, Richard
Scott, Stewart
Seibert, Percy T.
Seigfried, Michael George
Sewell, Gordon Russell
Sewell, Harold Sylvester
Shackleton, Howard Ebenezer
Shannon, Thomas Frederick
Shaw, Farquhar
Shaw, James Wesley
Shawbedees, Isaiah
Shawbedees, Walter
Sheppard, George Percy
Sherk, Pearlous E
Shewfelt, Delbert James
Shewfelt, Gordon Archibald
Shewfelt, Howard
Shields, John William
Shiels, Andrew
Shouldice, Victor Wesley
Shrider, Robert
Siegfried, Louis John
Signock, Daniel
Simpson, James Lindsay
Sinclair, John
Sinden, Sydney Percy
Skene, Archie
Skinner, Frederick Harvey
Sky, Allan Victor
Slack, Frederick
Slaughter, James Edward
Slocum, William Charles
Small, William George
Smeltzer, Gordon Elgin
Smith, Adelbert Henson
Smith, Alexander
Smith, Benjamin
Smith, Blakeney Alexander
Smith, Charles Edward
Smith, Daniel
Smith, Donald James
Smith, Edward Miller
Smith, Frederick James
Smith, George Alexander
Smith, George Nelson
Smith, Murdock
Smith, Norman Leonard
Smith, Percy John
Smith, Roderick
Smith, Thomas James
Smith, Walter Roy
Smith, William John
Smith, William Lorne
Smith, William Robert
Snowdon, Dawson Clarence
Snowdon , Johnston Lawrence
Solomon, Bernard
Solomon, Matthew
Solomon, Robert Arthur
Sparks, George Henry
Sparling, Henry Philip
Sparling, Hillard George
Sparrow, Wilmer John (Jack)
Spears, Percy Howard
Spencer, Cameron Inkster
Spicer, John
Spicer, Robert Amos
Sproule, Hugh
Sproule, Joseph
Sprung, Joseph Burley "Jasper"
Stabenow, Wilhelm Carl
Stafford, William Earl
Stanley, Samuel Davidson
Stanley, William Benjamin
Stannard, Albert John
Stears, Harry St. Clair
Stephens, David William ("Bull")
Stephens, William
Steven, Melvin
Stevens, William
Stevenson, Clarence Drew
Stewart, Alexander Esplen
Stewart, Alfred Edward
Stewart, Charles Hakwes Todd
Stewart, Donald Wilfred
Stewart, Evan Alexander
Stewart, George Sawyer
Stewart, Samuel Gordon
Stimson, William
Stirling, Lloyd Alexander
Stobie, Charles Henry
Stott, James Timothy
Stott, Robert
Stout, Hugh Rae
Stowe, William Anthony
Strachan, William Kay
Stringer, John Wilmer
Struthers, Robert Douglas
Sturgeon, Frederick
Sturgeon, John Wesley
Sturgeon, Samuel Davidson
Sullivan, William
Summers, George
Sutherland, Angus George
Sutherland, Donald M.
Sutter, Bert Louis
Swanston, Walter Fielding
Swatman, George
Syder, William Augustus
Symon, James ("Jim") Sherman
Symon, Wilfred James
Taylor, Alexander
Taylor, Edward Arthur
Taylor, Enoch William
Taylor, George
Taylor, George Wendell
Taylor, Harold Lloyd
Taylor, Harry
Taylor, Henry Booth
Taylor, R.
Temple, Joseph Hugh
Thacker, Harold Douglas
Thomas, Charles William
Thompson, Albert Ellis
Thompson, Alexander (Sandy)
Thompson, George Earnest
Thompson, James "Jim"
Thompson, John "Jack"
Thompson, Walter Haddington
Thompson, William Bell
Thompson, William Silas
Thomson, James
Thomson, John
Thornton, Bertram Truman
Threndyle, Hugh Andrew
Tilley, William John
Todd, Allan Peter
Tomah, James Byron
Tooke, Earl (Erle) Whitfield
Tooke, Frederick Walter Burton
Totten, David Arthur
Trautman, Louis Matthew
Travis, John Calvin
Trout, John Harold
Trowbridge, Albert George
Truax, Samuel Jeffrey
Tucker, Albert Edward
Tuckfield, Henry Charles
Tullock (Tulloch), Harry Valentine
Twamley, Charles Wilbert
Twamley, George Aylmer
Van, Adam
Van Horne / Vanhorne, Whitney Garnet
Vanslyk, Henry
VanWyck, Walter
Vary, Ira Irvine
Veitch, Ambert Hastie
Veitch, Harry Stewart
Vince, Frederick
Virtue, Charles Wesley
Voght, George
Wabazee, Elias
Wabazee, Elijah
Waechter, Frank Jacob
Wagner, Russell Melville
Wahbagana, Elijah
Wahbagana, Peter
Walden, Harold William
Walden, Wilbert Green
Walker, Clair
Walker, Edward Emmerson
Walker, George Edward
Walker, Gordon Clare
Walker, Harry James
Walker, John Bruce
Walker, John Hutton
Walker, Norman Thomas
Walks, John David
Wallace, James Scott
Wallace, John Walter
Waltenburg, Albert George
Wanless, George Andrew
Ward, George Samuel
Ward, William "James"
Wardrop, Norman
Wark, Elmer Elliott
Wark, Garnet
Warren, George Samuel
Watson, Frank
Watson, James
Watson, John
Watts, Harry Kirby
Waugh, Deurward
Waugh, Wilbert
Weatherhead, George Percival
Weatherhead, Lloyd Eugene
Webb, Arthur Ernest
Webb, Norman Ethelbert
Webster, Richard Nelson
Weidner, William E.
Weiler, Alfred James
Weiler, George
Weiler, George Bernard
Weir, Adam
Weir, William Andrew
Weis (Wiess), Edward
Weiss, Eddie
Welfare, James
Wells, Francis Edward
Wells, George Stanley
Welsh, William
Wendorf, Edward
Wendt, Charles Edward
Wesley, John
West, Edward Earnest
West, George Matthew "Biscuit"
West, Victor Carling
Westfield, Edward Ernest Robert
Wharton, John Freeman
Whitby, Joseph
White, David George
White, Eric Farquhar Harding
White, George
White, Robert Milton
White, William Barnett
White, William James
Whitehead, Roy Beverly
Whittmann, Herbert
Wiess, Edward
Willaughan, Harry Burges
Willaughan, William Able
Williams, Albert
Williams, Elias
Williams, Henry Alfred
Williams, John Charles
Williams, Paul
Williamson, Harold
Willie, Robert James
Willis, Thomas George
Wilson, George Reginald
Wilson, Hugh
Wilson, Robert James
Winch, Henry Oscar
Winch, John Henry
Wingfield, John
Wisler, Samuel Lewis
Wismer, Hallick Floyd
Woelfle, John Martin
Wood, Percy
Wood, Walter
Wood, William
Woodcock, William Stephen
Woods, Herbert West
Woods, John ("Jack")
Woolmer, George William
Woolrich, Harold Edward
Woolrich, Thomas Hall
Worthy, William Delmer
Wright, Albert
Wright, Carl Bertrum
Wright, Ernest / Ernie George
Wright, George Joseph
Wright, Herbert Roy
Wright, Oliver Garwood William
Wright, Thomas Neaven Jamieson
Wright, William Jacob
Wright, William James
Wurr, Robert Jr.
Wurr, Robert Sr.
Yahba, John Henry
Young, Harry Alfred
Young, James
Young, John Arnold
Young, Joseph "Joe" Wilbert
Young, Thomas George
Young, William
Young, William Alexander "Candy"
Young, William Howard
Zettel, Urban Joseph
Zimmerman, Edward Frederick
Zinn, John Harry
Zuber, Andrew
Zuber, Peter Francis